Increased use of public transport
Transport and tourism;Transport and tourism
kolltrans, Public transport, bus, boat, railway, train, tram, underground, passengers, passenger kilometres, vehicle kilometres, distance covered, train kilometres, ticket revenuesSea transport , Land transport , Transport and tourism

Public transportQ1 2009



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Increased use of public transport

The number of passengers who travelled by bus, boat and rail increased by 9 per cent from the first quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009. Most of the growth can be explained by an increase in the number of bus passengers.

Nearly eleven million more passengers travelled by bus in the first quarter of 2009 compared with the first quarter of 2008. There was a marginal decrease in the number of passengers travelling by boat and rail compared with the same period last year, but both these two types of transportation had a growth of approximately eight per cent from 2007 to 2008.

Vehicle-/boat-/train kms, passengers and ticket revenues. Q1 2009. 1 000. Preliminary numbers
train kms
Passengers Ticket revenues
2006  383 956          434 850 7 544 067
2007  398 927  440 440 8 542 026
2008  400 909  457 879 8 806 506
Q1 98 068  118 210 2 101 473
Q2  100 521  105 361 2 248 910
Q3 96 325  110 183 2 203 322
Q4  105 996  124 125 2 252 801
Q1  102 120  129 024 2 248 188

During the last four quarters there has been a growth of about six per cent for all the three kinds of public transport.

Increased ticket revenues

From the first quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009, the total ticket revenues increased by NOK 147 million. Most of the increase can be explained by the increased number of bus passengers, but also boat and rail companies faced increased revenues.

More vehicle and boat kilometres

From the first quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009, the total number of vehicle and boat kilometres rose by around 5 per cent respectively. There was no change in the number of train kilometres.

Difficult to compare over time

Both the boat and the bus sector have faced large changes in structure, technology and types of contracts during the last years. These changes make it difficult to compare numbers over time.

The figures are preliminary and might be adjusted comparing to new annual survey for 2008 and 2009.
