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Central government units, expenditure (discontinued)
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Central government units, expenditure (discontinued)
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08335: StatRes. Expenditure and man-years in central government, by type of service (closed series) 2006 - 2014
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About the statistics
Frode Borgås, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 652
2015-08-21 10:00
Own production (mill. NOK):
mill. NOK
Wage costs in per cent of own production (per cent):
per cent
Purchase of goods and services in per cent of own production:
per cent
Investments (mill. NOK):
mill. NOK
Transfers (mill. NOK):
mill. NOK
Total expenditure (mill. NOK):
mill. NOK
Estimated contributions to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (mill. NOK):
mill. NOK
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years):
Reference time
Own production (mill. NOK):
Wage costs in per cent of own production (per cent):
Purchase of goods and services in per cent of own production:
Investments (mill. NOK):
Transfers (mill. NOK):
Total expenditure (mill. NOK):
Estimated contributions to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (mill. NOK):
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years):
The year calculated from employment and working time in third week of November
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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of total
Own production (mill. NOK)
Wage costs in per cent of own production (per cent)
Purchase of goods and services in per cent of own production
Investments (mill. NOK)
Transfers (mill. NOK)
Total expenditure (mill. NOK)
Estimated contributions to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (mill. NOK)
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years)
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2006 , 2007 , 2008 ,
wave temp fix..
of total
type of service
--- Select classification ---
All divisions of service
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Go to: Select values from group
Beginning of word
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Central government, total , Health and social services , ¬ Specialist Health Service, total ,
wave temp fix..
of total
Optional variable
Central government, total
Health and social services
¬ Specialist Health Service, total
¬¬ Helse Sør-Øst RHF
¬¬ Helse Øst RHF
¬¬ Sunnaas Sykehus HF
¬¬ Aker Universitetssykehus HF
¬¬ Akershus Universitetssykehus HF
¬¬ Sykehuset Asker og Bærum HF
¬¬ Sykehuset Innlandet HF
¬¬ Sykehuset Østfold HF
¬¬ Ullevål Universitetssykehus HF
¬¬ Vestre Viken HF
¬¬ Oslo Universitetssykehus HF
¬¬ Helse Sør RHF
¬¬ Blefjell Sykehus HF
¬¬ Sykehuset Buskerud HF
¬¬ Rikshospitalet HF (2005-)
¬¬ Sørlandet Sykehus HF
¬¬ Sykehuset i Vestfold HF
¬¬ Sykehuset Telemark HF
¬¬ Psykiatrien i Vestfold HF
¬¬ Ringerike Sykehus HF
¬¬ Helse Vest RHF
¬¬ Helse Stavanger HF
¬¬ Helse Fonna HF
¬¬ Helse Bergen HF
¬¬ Helse Førde HF
¬¬ Helse Midt-Norge RHF
¬¬ St Olavs Hospital HF
¬¬ Helse Sunnmøre HF
¬¬ Ambulanse Midt-Norge HF
¬¬ Helse Nordmøre og Romsdal HF
¬¬ Helse Møre og Romsdal HF
¬¬ Helse Nord Trøndelag HF
¬¬ Rusbehandling Midt-Norge HF
¬¬ Helse Nord RHF
¬¬ Helse Finnmark HF
¬¬ Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF
¬¬ Hålogalandssykehuset HF
¬¬ Nordlandssykehuset HF
¬¬ Helgelandssykehuset HF
¬ Other health services, total
¬¬ Ministry of Health and Care Services
¬¬ Norwegian Directorate of Health
¬¬ The Norwegian Health Economics Administration
¬¬ Norwegian Institute of Public Health
¬¬ Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
¬¬ Norwegian Board of Health Supervision
¬¬ Norwegian Medicines Agency
¬¬ Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
¬¬ Remaining units in other health services
¬ The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service, total
¬¬ The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service
¬ National child welfare, total
¬¬ Region North
¬¬ Region Middle
¬¬ Region West
¬¬ Region South
¬¬ Region East
¬ Immigration, total
¬¬ The Norwegian directorate of immigration
The Norwegian immigration appeals board
¬ Other social services, total
¬¬ Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
¬¬ Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion
¬¬ County social welfare boards
¬¬ Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufetat), excluding national child welfare
¬¬ Directorate of Integration and Diversity
¬¬ Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
¬¬ Remaining units in other social services
Defence, public order and safety
¬ The Norwegian Armed Forces, total
¬¬ The Norwegian Army
¬¬ The Home guard
¬¬ The Royal Norwegian Air Force
¬¬ The Royal Norwegian Navy
¬¬ The Coast Guard
¬¬ Logistics and acquisitions
¬¬ Joint institutions and command structure etc.
¬¬ Search and rescue services and other sivil services
¬¬ Norwegian forces abroad, additional costs
¬ Other defence services, total
¬¬ Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
¬¬ Ministry of Defence
¬¬ The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency
¬¬ Norwegian National Security Authority
¬ Police and prosecution, total
¬¬ Oslo police district
¬¬ Østfold police district
¬¬ Follo police district
¬¬ Romerike police district
¬¬ Hedmark police district
¬¬ Gudbrandsdal police district
¬¬ Vestoppland police district
¬¬ Nordre Buskerud police district
¬¬ Søndre Buskerud police district
¬¬ Asker og Bærum police district
¬¬ Vestfold police district
¬¬ Telemark police district
¬¬ Agder police district
¬¬ Rogaland police district
¬¬ Haugaland og Sunnhordland police district
¬¬ Hordaland police district
¬¬ Sogn og Fjordane police district
¬¬ Sunnmøre police district
¬¬ Nordmøre og Romsdal police district
¬¬ Sør-Trøndelag police district
¬¬ Nord-Trøndelag police district
¬¬ Helgeland police district
¬¬ Salten police district
¬¬ Midtre Hålogaland police district
¬¬ Troms police district
¬¬ Vestfinnmark police district
¬¬ Østfinnmark police district
¬¬ Other units in police and prosecution
¬ Courts of justice, total
¬¬ Courts of justice
¬ The Correctional Service, total
¬¬ The Correctional Service
¬ Other defence, public order and safety services, total
¬¬ Agency for Public Management and Emergency Planning
¬¬ Ministry of Justice and Public Security
¬¬ The Joint Rescue Coordination Centres
¬¬ The Directorate for Emergency Communication
¬¬ Remaining units in other defence, public order and safety services
Education and research, culture, church and environmental protection
¬ Universities and colleges, total
¬¬ Saami University College
¬¬ Finnmark University College
¬¬ Tromsø University College (Merged with UIT from 01. January 2009)
¬¬ Harstad University College
¬¬ Narvik University College
¬¬ Bodø University College
¬¬ University of Nordland
¬¬ Nesna University College
¬¬ Nord-Trøndelag University College
¬¬ Sør-Trøndelag University College
¬¬ Molde University College
¬¬ Ålesund University College
¬¬ Volda University College
¬¬ Sogn og Fjordane University College
¬¬ Bergen University College of the Arts
¬¬ Stord/Haugesund University College
¬¬ University of Stavanger (from 2005)
¬¬ Agder University College (including August 2007)
¬¬ University of Agder (from September 2007)
¬¬ Telemark University College
¬¬ Vestfold University College
¬¬ Buskerud University College
¬¬Buskerud and Vestfold University College
¬¬ Gjøvik University College
¬¬ Lillehammer University College
¬¬ Hedmark University College
¬¬ Østfold University College
¬¬ Akershus University College
¬¬ Oslo University College
¬¬ Oslo and Akershus University College
¬¬ Bergen University College of the Arts
¬¬ Oslo University College of the Arts
¬¬ Norwegian school of Physical Education
¬¬ The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (from 2005)
¬¬ Norwegian State Academy of Music
¬¬ Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
¬¬ Norwegian University of Science and Technology
¬¬ University of Tromsø (Merged with HIT from 01. January 2009)
¬¬ University of Oslo
¬¬ University of Bergen
¬¬ Norwegian University of Life Sciences
¬¬ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
¬ Other institutions of education and research, total
¬¬ Resource centers
¬¬ Ministry of Education and Research
¬¬ The Research Council of Norway
¬¬ Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
¬¬ Vox, Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning
¬¬ Remaining units in other institutions of education and research
¬ Culture, total
¬¬ The Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority (ABM-utvikling)
¬¬ Arts Council Norway
¬¬ The National Archives of Norway
¬¬ Ministry of Culture
¬¬ The Norwegian Gaming and Foundation Authority
¬¬ The Norwegian Media Authority
¬¬ The National Library of Norway
¬¬ The National Museum
¬¬ The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
¬¬ Directorate for Cultural Heritage
¬¬ Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
¬¬ The Oslo Philharmonic
¬¬ Concerts Norway
¬¬ Stavanger Symphony Orchestra
¬¬ Trondheim Symphony Orchestra
¬¬ The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet
¬¬ The National Venue of Theatre
¬¬ The Norwegian Theatre
¬¬ The National Theatre
¬¬ The Norwegian National Touring Theatre
¬¬ Rogaland Theatre
¬¬ Trøndelag Theatre
¬¬ The Norwegian Film Institute
¬¬ Other culture units
¬ Church, total
¬¬ Agder og Telemark Diocese
¬¬ Bjørgvin Diocese
¬¬ Borg Diocese
¬¬ Hamar Diocese
¬¬ Møre bispedøme
¬¬ Nidaros Diocese
¬¬ Nord-Hålogaland Diocese
¬¬ Oslo Diocese
¬¬ Stavanger Diocese
¬¬ Sør-Hålogaland Diocese
¬¬ Tunsberg Diocese
¬¬ Other church units
¬ Environmental protection, total
¬¬ Norwegian Environment Agency
¬¬ Directorate for Nature Management
¬¬ Climate and Pollution Agency
¬¬ Ministry of Climate and Environment
¬¬ Norwegian Polar Institute
¬¬ Remaining units in environmental protection
Transport, communication and other economic affairs
¬ The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, total
¬¬ The Norwegian Public Roads Administration
¬ Norwegian National Rail Administration, total
¬¬ Norwegian National Rail Administration
¬ The Norwegian Coastal Administration, total
¬¬ The Norwegian Coastal Administration
¬ Other transport and communication services, total
¬¬ Civil Aviation Authority - Norway
¬¬ Ministry of Transport and Communications
¬¬ Norwegian Maritime Directorate
¬¬ Norwegian Railway Inspectorate
¬¬ Remaining units in other transport and communication services
¬ Petroleum and energy, total
¬¬ Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
¬¬ Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
¬¬ Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
¬¬ Petroleum Safety Authority Norway
¬ Fisheries, agriculture and food, total
¬¬ Bioforsk
¬¬ Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
¬¬ Directorate of Fisheries
¬¬ Institute of Marine Research
¬¬ Ministry of Agriculture and Food
¬¬ The Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
¬¬ National Veterinary Institute
¬¬ The Norwegian Agriculture Agency
¬¬ Norwegian Food Safety Authority
¬¬ National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research
¬¬ Remaining units in fisheries, agriculture and food
¬ Other economic affairs, total
¬¬ The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
¬¬ The Data Inspectorate
¬¬ Norwegian Consumer Council
¬¬ Norwegian Metrology Service
¬¬ Norwegian Competition Authority
¬¬ The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway
¬¬ Norwegian Meteorological Institute
¬¬ Geological Survey of Norway
¬¬ Ministry of Trade, Industries and Fisheries
¬¬ Norwegian Industrial Property Office
¬¬ The Norwegian Communications Authority
¬¬ Brønnøysund Register Centre
¬¬ Remaining units in other economic affairs
Financial affairs, external affairs and administration
¬ Norwegian Tax Administration, total
¬¬ Norwegian Tax Administration
¬ Norwegian Customs And Excise, total
¬¬ Norwegian Customs And Excise
¬ Other financial administration, total
¬¬ Ministry of Finance
¬¬ Government Pension Fund Global
¬¬ National Insurance Scheme Fund (including the Government Pension Fund Norway)
¬¬ Norwegian National Collection Agency
¬¬ The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management
¬¬ Statistics Norway
¬ The Norwegian Foreign Service, total
¬¬ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
¬¬ Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
¬¬ Remaining units in The Norwegian Foreign Service
¬ County governor posts, total
¬¬ County Governor of Aust-Agder
¬¬ County Governor of Buskerud
¬¬ County Governor of Finnmark
¬¬ County Governor of Hedmark
¬¬ County Governor of Hordaland
¬¬ County Governor of Møre og Romsdal
¬¬ County Governor of Nordland
¬¬ County Governor of Nord-Trøndelag
¬¬ County Governor of Oppland
¬¬ County Governor of Oslo and Akershus
¬¬ County Governor of Rogaland
¬¬ County Governor of Sogn og Fjordane
¬¬ County Governor of Sør-Trøndelag
¬¬ County Governor of Telemark
¬¬ County Governor of Troms
¬¬ County Governor of Vest-Agder
¬¬ County Governor of Vestfold
¬¬ County Governor of Østfold
¬ Other superstructure administration, total
¬¬ The Royal House of Norway
¬¬ Government Administration Services
¬¬ Agency for Public Management and eGovernment
¬¬ Minister of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs
¬¬ Governor of Svalbard
¬¬ Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
¬¬ Office of the Auditor General of Norway
¬¬ Sámi Parliament in Norway
¬¬The Norwegian Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg)
¬¬ Office of the Prime Minister
¬¬ The Storting
¬¬ Remaining units in other superstructure administration
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years)
Break in the time series for contracted man-years from 2012-2013, as a consequence of 26 new units included in central government from2013. From the overall increase in contracted man- years of about 3 per cent from 2012 to 2013, one of these per cent is the result of including the 26 new units, which leads to an actual increase in nearly 2 per cent.
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years)
The number of man-years for division 1.1 Specialist Health Service, 1.4 National Child Welfare and 1.6 Other Social Services, are not estimated for 2006 and 2007, but they are included in the number of man-years for the main division of service 1. Health and Social Services. The reasons are that child welfare can not be separated from family welfare in the man-years statistics before 2008, and that Statistics Norway does not publish register-based man-years statistics for Specialist Health Service before 2008. Forsvarsbygg lacks roughly 400 man-years in 2010, and this also affects the associated groups Other defence services, Defence, public order and safety and the central government in total. Compulsory military and civilian service is included in the man-years statistics from 2009. Locally employed staff in the Norwegian foreign service missions are not included. According to the web page of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are approximately 900 locally employed.
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years)
Under the Norwegian Armed Forces in 2009-2011, the number of man-years for conscripts and officers' training school is too few, while these groups were excluded in 2006-2008. We have collected new level numbers from The National Service Administration, and on the basis of that made new estimates about man-years, where we assume that the percentage of long term leaves is the same as in 2012. The correct number of man years in The Norwegian Armed Forces was 25 300 in 2006, 25 800 in 2007, 26 100 in 2008, 26 500 in 2009, 26 300 in 2010 and 27 300 in 2011. Correspondingly we have also estimated the correct number of man years in Defence, public order and safety in 2006 (46 800), 2007 (47 700), 2008 (48 400), 2009 and 2010 (49 700 both years) and 2011 (51 300), and in Central government in total in 2006 (215 200), 2007 (218 100), 2008 (220 400), 2009 (226 700), 2010 (229 100) and 2011 (235 000).
contents: Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years) , year: 2012
The number of man-years in Telemark University College in 2012 is about 100 man-years too few, because of an error in one of the registers.
contents: Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years) , year: 2006
The number of man-years for Statistics Norway in divisjon 5.3 is overestimated in 2006 and 2007, because the interviewers were reported to have longer working hours than they actually had.
contents: Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years) , year: 2007
The number of man-years for Statistics Norway in divisjon 5.3 is overestimated in 2006 and 2007, because the interviewers were reported to have longer working hours than they actually had.