Social conditions, welfare and crime

Qualification benefits2013

As from 2015 the statistics is published with Social assistance.


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Qualification benefits
Topic: Social conditions, welfare and crime

Responsible division

Division for Income and social welfare statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

The statistics include all persons who were active in a programme during 2012. Persons who had not actually started their programme, are not included. However, a person on leave from programme at the start of the year, and who did not return to programme during the year, is to be included.

Standard classifications

The statistics are presented according to age, county and size of municipality, and (in KOSTRA) municipality.

Administrative information

Regional level

For the years 2009 and 2010, the statistics are produced on county level and according to size of municipality. From 2011 on data are produced on municipality level in addition.

Frequency and timeliness

Data are produced on a yearly basis. Data for 2009 and 2010 were published in December of the following year, data for 2011 in November 2012 and data for 2012 in September 2013.

International reporting

Not relevant


Not relevant


Background and purpose


The purpose of the statistics is to provide information on participants, the contents of the programme and its outcome. Some municipalities offered the programme already in 2007, in 2010 all but one of the municipalities participated, and in 2011 all municipalities offered the programme.

Users and applications

The primary users of the statistics are public institutions, the public, the press and the municipalities themselves. The statistics may be used and to study the development of the programme, its contents and its outcome, and also illustrate geographic differences.

Coherence with other statistics

The number of participants from form 11 C is to correspond with data reported from the municipalities to the Labour and Welfare Service (NAV).

Legal authority

1) Act 18. December 2009 nr. 131, § 8

2) Act concerning official statistics and Statistics Norway, section 2-2.

EEA reference

Not relevant




The statistics are based on information about every person having participated in the qualification programme that specific year.

Data sources and sampling

The data are collected from municipal social service departments. For collecting the data, the form 11C, Qualification benefits, of KOSTRA is used.

The data are based on registrations of every recipient on the municipality level.

Collection of data, editing and estimations


Data are sent electronically from each municipality to Statistics Norway (SN), as part of the KOSTRA data collection system. 3 municipalities sent data on paper.

KOSTRA’s form 11 C was first reported for the year 2009. In order to deliver a complete report, many municipalities have had to collect data from different internal sources. As a result, data have not been complete or with sufficient quality from all municipalities. Although SN was able to make a more thorough revision of the 2010-data than was the case the year before, it was, due to the remaining missing data, decided to publish on a county rather than municipality level. For 2011 and 2012 ordinary municipal data were published.

No estimation, of missing data or otherwise, has been done.


Detailed data are published at a county level, due to possible identification of individuals and also the interpretation of small numbers. Municipal data are limited in accordance with the general KOSTRA rules.

Comparability over time and space

On the possible effect of sampling errors, se point 5.3 above.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The number of participants reported to SN from some municipalities is not in accordance with what the same municipalities have reported to the Labour and Welfare authorities (NAV). In addition, some municipalities have reported incomplete data or data with obvious errors. Not all errors could be corrected by SN, and the corresponding data therefore had to be eliminated from the published data. Some undetected errors may still be included in the data.

The published data are not corrected for the non-response errors mentioned above. If the missing/ partly missing municipalities deviate from the average pattern, this could in some degree influence on the numbers for the respective counties.