Nature and the environment;National accounts and business cycles;Nature and the environment
nrmiljo, Emissions from Norwegian economic activity, environmental accounts, economic activity, production by industry, emission efficiency, emission intensity by industry, gross product by industry, disconnection, satellite accountsNational accounts , Pollution and climate, Environmental accounts, National accounts and business cycles, Nature and the environment

Emissions from Norwegian economic activity1990-2019



This is an archived release.

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The sales figures obtained by Statistics Norway for the products marine gas oils and auto diesel in the period 2012-2019 were too low.

As a result of changes in levels in the statistics Sales of petroleum products, there will be an upward adjustment of the level of greenhouse gas emissions from 2012 onwards. The figures will be corrected in the next statistics release on 11 June. Further details of the correction.

Main figures for the national account and emissions to air
20182019Change in per cent
2018 - 2019Since 1990
Output in constant 2015 prices. NOK million5 419 9105 502 4001.5115.2
Greenhouse gas emissions. 1 000 tonnes CO2-equivalents65 13663 832-2.06.7
Emission intensity for greenhouse gases. Tonnes CO2-equivalents/output in NOK million12.018011.6008-3.5-50.4