More people have access to recreational areas
Nature and the environment
arealrek, Recreational areas and areas for recreational walking, outdoor activities, recreationArea , Nature and the environment
The statistics describe urban residents’ access to recreational areas and areas for recreational walking in addition to figures for area and access from different building types.

Recreational areas and areas for recreational walking1 January 2016




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More people have access to recreational areas

More than half of Norwegians living in urban settlements have safe access to recreational areas from their dwellings. The share is even larger among Norwegian children and young people.

Proportion of residents and buildings within urban settlements with safe access to green areas by age and building type. Per cent
Proportion with access to recreational areasProportion with access to areas for recreational walking
Corrected 30 March 2017.
All ages5646
-20 years5950
School building5538
Detached house5854
House with two dwellings5446
Row house, linked house and house with 3 or 4 dwellings6451
Multi-dwelling building4328
Residence for communities5745

Fifty-six1 per cent of Norwegians living in urban settlements have safe access to recreational areas in walking or cycling distance from their dwellings. Forty-six1 per cent have access to areas for recreational walking

Residents in small urban settlements have more access to recreational areas than residents in larger urban settlements. In the smallest urban settlements, with 200 – 499 residents, an average of 69 per cent1 of the residents have safe access to recreational areas. The corresponding number for the largest cities, with more than 100 000 residents, is 52 per cent1. This difference is even bigger for areas for recreational walking, with 74 per cent1 of the people having access in the smallest urban settlements and only 32 per cent1 in the largest. 

Even though there is a clear connection between the size of urban settlements and safe access in general, some small urban settlements show a lower proportion of residents with safe access. This is especially the case in areas with widespread agricultural land, which is not considered to be recreational area or area for recreational walking.

More children have access

A larger share of children and young people has access to recreational areas and areas for recreational walking than the population at large. This is because children tend to live closer to recreational areas serviced by footpaths and cycle paths and other low traffic roads.

Kindergartens have more safe access than schools

The share of kindergartens that has safe access to recreational areas is higher than for schools. Blocks of flats have clearly less access than other building types. This can be attributed to these buildings being predominantly located in central, more dense parts of cities and with more traffic, where recreational areas might be far away.

1 The figure was corrected 30 March 2017.

Improved data sourcesOpen and readClose

The data sources have been improved during recent years, especially for land use. Changes in the results between 2013 and 2015 are therefore not necessarily real changes, but can also be caused by more accurate mapping of nature areas.