National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ3 2013


Norway's financial transactions in rest of the world. By institutional sector. NOK Million.
1st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 20132nd quarter 20133rd quarter 2013
Public non-financial corporations72 370-45 417-6 29836 3773105 40320 813
Private non-financial corporations22 959-5 9599 52216 211-10 4911 00311 936
The central bank24 32429 226-28 328-25 23550 163-8 2956 032
Banks and money market funds131 1888 504-23 455-25 031-141 72159 19722 509
Other financial corporations-26 1407 95514 048-21 160-440-18 650-2 920
Insurance corporations and pension funds9 627-6 832-7 787-4 3701 11520 26611 088
General government146 36176 481152 01329 586155 213177 50751 101
Households and NPISH3 5533 4543 6273 7234 4534 2814 707
Undistributed transactions and statistical discrepancy13 137-77 45192 17181 911-13 607-22 17210 578
Total assets397 380-10 039205 51392 01244 994218 540135 844
Public non-financial corporations32 860-43 31150534 951-42 38737 13326 404
Private non-financial corporations-4894 44931 36261 0892 81216 23716 107
The central bank7 41817 826-18 468-14 98119 6901 2863 271
Banks and money market funds127 893-42 02434 013-37 375-130 39042 52839 783
Other financial corporations18 2836 15818 068-4 65015 4877235 067
Insurance corporations and pension funds-3 7691 2206286 106-4 6015 896-1 457
General government75 959-32 29044 236-59 60396 77732 799-29 204
Households and NPISH789789789789295295295
Total liabilities258 945-87 184111 133-13 674-42 317136 89760 266
Net lending138 43577 14594 380105 68687 31181 64375 578