National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ3 2013


Norway's financial transactions in rest of the world. By financial instrument. NOK Million.
1st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 20132nd quarter 20133rd quarter 2013
Currency and deposits129 0391 833-25 733-40 777-142 52360 1966 122
Short term bonds-11 727-3 0021 6122 9277366 755-6 205
Long term bonds53 46149 82171 05752 598-1 98979 904101 059
Lending88 9303 704-28 234-70 180119 055-24 3106 261
Shares and other equity97 84068 10366 74086 347116 01675 48660 349
Other accounts receivable39 837-130 497120 07061 096-46 30120 509-31 742
Total assets397 380-10 039205 51392 01244 994218 540135 844
Currency and deposits52 507-49 17622 699-22 153-94 00338 4499 990
Short term bonds60 999-5 043-5 348-33 947-32 398-7 7397 136
Long term bonds54 10529 90710 09624 75826 94035 34234 673
Loans92 734-57 43744 82024 62525 78467 036-27 809
Shares and other equity-10 532-20 92620 29947 703-19 604-5 01933 488
Other accounts payable9 13115 49218 567-54 66050 9648 8282 788
Total liabilities258 945-87 184111 133-13 674-42 317136 89760 266
Net lending138 43577 14594 380105 68687 31181 64375 578