National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ1 2013


Norway's financial assets and liabilities in rest of the world. NOK Million.
3rd quarter 20114th quarter 20111st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 2013
Public non-financial corporations752 894743 716811 738764 729749 451795 028762 656
Private non-financial corporations673 095658 454672 359669 627673 980672 377667 969
The central bank319 092312 541333 575367 765335 763304 274372 340
Banks and money market funds858 295957 1501 070 1411 084 1631 046 5221 012 616892 904
Other financial corporations590 408601 8881 151 076585 069607 659573 552592 102
Insurance corporations and pension funds453 503454 426464 295458 591458 454455 607469 206
General government3 494 4153 407 4593 655 8893 683 8643 893 7823 923 6494 360 395
Households and NPISH222 207225 595228 602228 370230 772232 828238 333
Undistributed transactions and statistical discrepancy0000000
Total assets7 363 9097 361 2297 821 6687 840 2517 996 3847 969 9318 355 904
Public non-financial corporations544 859548 935581 397529 730538 459582 589525 558
Private non-financial corporations1 085 9191 200 4351 221 3891 208 9831 237 9441 278 5471 302 833
The central bank20 84822 95530 36948 19929 73014 74634 462
Banks and money market funds1 406 0421 483 5221 572 9521 556 4601 562 8891 511 6961 387 061
Other financial corporations1 117 5841 115 6141 151 0761 166 7121 181 1951 171 4771 210 060
Insurance corporations and pension funds42 85744 52738 38840 09841 25740 84438 784
General government653 849298 267371 960342 138384 237313 070409 908
Households and NPISH72 56474 43173 90173 37172 83672 30172 894
Undistributed transactions and statistical discrepancy0000000
Total liabilities4 944 5224 788 6865 041 4314 965 6915 048 5474 985 2704 981 560
Net financial assets2 419 3872 572 5432 780 2372 874 5602 947 8362 984 6613 374 344