More wild reindeer felled
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
reinjakt, Wild reindeer hunting, wild reindeer felled, wild reindeer areas, felling ratio, felling quotaHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Wild reindeer hunting2005

The figures in the publications from 2003-2011 are preliminary. From 2012 the figures published are final.



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More wild reindeer felled

For the first time in seven years, the total yield of the wild reindeer hunting increased. 4 800 animals were shot this autumn, 900 more than the previous year. The main reason is higher felling quotas in the larger wild reindeer areas.

Number of licences issued and number of wild reindeer felled. 1980-2005

Municipalities with wild reindeer hunting. 2005

Better on Hardangervidda

The Hardangervidda plateau is Norway's largest wild reindeer area. In this area the felling quota has been considerably reduced during the last years. Except for one hunting ground, the wild reindeer was preserved on Hardangervidda previous autumn. The main reason was surveys showing a reduced stock of wild reindeer. This autumn the landowners allowed more hunting. A total of 2 530 felling licenses were issued, and 860 animals were felled.


This reindeer area is divided into two parts. The autumn 2003 the wild reindeer on the eastern part was preserved because of reduced stock. Next autumn the landowners allowed hunting on the entire area, and in 2005 the felling quota was once again increased. Of a quota of 1 300 animals, 570 were felled.

Number of wild reindeer felled. 1980-2005

Most animals felled in Rondane

Measured by the number of felled animals, Rondane was the largest wild reindeer area in 2005. Totally, 1 650 licenses were issued, and 980 animals were felled.
