Record-low yield in wild reindeer hunt
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
reinjakt, Wild reindeer hunting, wild reindeer felled, wild reindeer areas, felling ratio, felling quotaHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Wild reindeer hunting2000



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Record-low yield in wild reindeer hunt

Only 36 per cent of all the animals for which hunting licences were issued were shot during the autumn wild reindeer hunt in Norway. The felling percentage has never been lower. Of a quota of 21 287 animals, 7 631 were felled.

 Licences issued and number of felled wild reindeer. 1980-2000

This is a decline of 1 361 animals from last year. A total of 1 865 calves, 1 072 year and a half year old animals, 2 071 older bucks and 2 623 older females were felled this past autumn. About the same number of males and females were felled.

Declining felling percentage

A lower felling percentage has not been seen since statistics began to be kept in 1952. In 1994 the felling percentage dropped to under 50, and until the end of 1999 it has remained in the 40s. The felling percentage in 1998 was 45, while it was 41 in 1999.

Good felling percentage in Forelhogna

The felling percentage varied considerably between the individual wild reindeer areas. Forelhogna had the highest felling percentage. A total of 731 animals were felled, 91 per cent of the quota. This felling percentage has been stable at around 90 per cent in recent years. One reason is the many crossing agreements made between landowners which permit hunters to hunt in surrounding hunting fields, making hunting more efficient. This is particularly important when the wind has been blowing in the same direction for a prolonged period, causing many reindeer to congregate in one hunting area.

Low yield on the Hardangervidda

The Hardangervidda plateau is Norways largest wild reindeer area. Licences were issued here to fell 11 498 animals this autumn. Only 2 683 animals, or 23 per cent, were felled. One reason for the low yield was probably the prevailing wind direction and a lot of thick fog, which made hunting difficult. Due to the low felling percentage, the wild reindeer hunt on the Hardangervidda was extended to 10 October this year as well.

Highest numbers in Telemark

The county where the most wild reindeer were shot was Telemark, with 1 826 animals. Oppland was second with 1 433 animals felled. In terms of licences, Hordaland is the largest wild reindeer county, with 5 253 licences issued. Telemark was second with a quota of 4 301 animals.

Most licences in Vinje

Licences for a total of 2 279 animals were issued in Vinje municipality in Telemark, making it the largest wild reindeer municipality this autumn. A total of 1 148 animals were felled, yielding a felling percentage of 50 per cent. A total of 1 685 licences were issued in Eidfjord municipality in Hordaland. Of these only 185 animals, or 11 per cent, were shot.
