Same number cervid hunters as small game hunters
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jeja, Active hunters, small game hunters, big game hunters, hunt reportingHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Active hunters2011/2012



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Same number cervid hunters as small game hunters

A total of 147 000 persons went hunting in the hunting year 2011/2012. Of these hunted 92 000 small game, that is the same number as those who hunted cervids. Ten years ago there were 10 000 more small game hunters than cervid hunters.

Age distribution in the whole population and among hunters. Per cent

Number of active hunters, by county of residence. 2011/2012

The increase in small game hunters the previous year is mostly caused by more grouse hunters. Among the cervid species, moose is still the most common game to be hunted. A total of 61 000 hunters hunted moose in 2011/2012. Since the beginning of the 1990’s, the felling quota as well as the number of felled red deer, has strongly increased. Although it is possible to shoot more red deer than moose, it is still significantly fewer red deer hunters than there are moose hunters. However, the number of red deer hunters is increasing. A total of 43 000 hunters hunted red deer last hunting year, that is an increase of 4 per cent since the year before.

More female hunters

The share of female hunters still increase. In the hunting year 1971/1972 less than a half per cent of the hunters were women. In the last decades the number of female hunters has increased slowly, and in the hunting year 2011/2012, 5.9 per cent of the hunters were women. A total of 8 500 women hunted during the last hunting year.

Ratio on small game hunting and hunting on cervids, by county of residence. 2011/2012

The hunters are getting older

Hunters who hunted in 2011/2012 were on average 46.3 years, while those who hunted in 2001/2002 were 43.2 years. The proportion of hunters less than 40 years has decreased, while those between 40 and 75 years have increased. This change has resulted in a higher average age. The same changes can be observed in the population as a whole.

Ratio of the male population older than 16 years that has hunted in the hunting year 2011/2012, by municipality

Most hunters in rural areas

At country level, 7 per cent of the male population went hunting during the hunting year 2011/2012. The share of hunters is higher in rural areas than in urban areas and cities. In some rural municipalities nearly 50 per cent of the male population older than 16 years goes hunting. Among the male population in Oslo and Bergen, there were only 3 per cent.

Cervid hunting

Hunting of cervids includes moose, roe deer, red deer and wild reindeer.
