Growth in manufacturing turnover
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
ogibkoms, Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, industrial turnover, domestic market, export market, valueEnergy , Oil and gas , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyOctober 2006



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Growth in manufacturing turnover

Total turnover in Norwegian manufacturing amounted to approximately NOK 591 billion from January to October 2006, an increase of 24 per cent compared to the same period last year. Total turnover in October this year was 27.6 per cent higher than October last year.

Turnover, main industrial groupings. Seasonally adjusted. 3-months moving average

Turnover within Norwegian oil and gas extraction amounted to nearly NOK 46 billion in October 2006, and went up by 3.1 per cent compared with same period last year. The price on crude oil (Brent blend) in October was NOK 387 compared to NOK 382 in October last year, according to External trade figures .

Strongest growth within intermediate goods

Compared to the previous three-month period, seasonally adjusted figures show an increase in turnover for intermediate goods, capital goods and consumer goods in the period from August to October this year. The increase within intermediate goods and capital goods are mainly due to an increase in the export market. For capital goods there was an increase in export, whereas the turnover in the domestic market experienced a slight decrease.

Statistics on turnover of oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and gas supply. October 2006
  Original series1January - October 06 Changes in per cent January - October 05 - January - October 06 Original series1October 2006 Changes in per cent October 05 - October 06 Changes in per cent. Seasonally adjusted May 06 - July 06 - August 06 - October 06
The overall turnover 1 181 763 23.1  125 373 14.0 -4.6
Oil and Gas Extraction  463 136 21.4 45 961 3.1 -11.0
Manufacturing  590 814 24.0 68 742 27.6 0.2
Hjemmemarked  361 886 27.1 42 151 34.1 -1.5
Eksportmarked  228 928 19.4 26 591 18.5 2.9
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply  117 947 27.1 9 571 -8.6 -4.6
Main industrial groupings          
Intermediate goods  221 263 19.3 26 438 33.2 5.4
Capital goods  165 466 44.1 19 908 45.4 1.9
Consumer goods  158 975 11.8 18 725 16.2 1.0
Energy goods  636 057 22.9 60 302 - -12.1
1  NOK million.