Continuous growth in turnover
Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
ogibkoms, Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply, industrial turnover, domestic market, export market, valueEnergy , Oil and gas , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplySeptember 2006



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Continuous growth in turnover

Total turnover in Norwegian manufacturing amounted to about NOK 522 billion in the January to September 2006 period, an increase of 23.7 per cent compared to the same period last year. The turnover increased in the domestic market as well as in the export market, with 26.5 and 19.5 per cent respectively.

Turnover, main industrial groupings. Seasonally adjusted. 3-months moving average

Energy goods experienced an increase of 26.1 per cent from January to September 2006, compared to the same period last year. Establishments within the Norwegian oil- and gas extraction cover approximately 70 per cent of the turnover of energy goods. It is the high price on crude oil (Brent Blend) that gives the turnover such a boost.

Increase in all main industrial groupings

Capital goods had the strongest growth of all the main industrial groupings. Machinery and equipment, oil platforms and modules and transport equipment had the largest increase within the sector and contributed strongly to the rise.

The turnover within intermediate goods experienced an increase from January to September in 2006. The strongest increase is found within refined petroleum products and chemicals and chemical products and in basic metals.

Consumer goods improved by 11.3 per cent from January to September 2006, compared to the same period last year. Food and food products had a positive development with a rise of 20.6 per cent. The rise was mainly due to an increase in the turnover of fish and fish products, as well as meat and meat products.

Statistics on turnover of oil and gas extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and gas supply. September 2006
  Original series1January - September 06 Changes in per cent January - September 05 - January - September 06 Original series1September 2006 Changes in per cent September 05 - September 06 Changes in per cent. Seasonally adjusted April 06 - June 06 - July 06 - September 06
The overall turnover 1 058 017 24.4  116 933 12.1 -3.7
Oil and Gas Extraction  417 164 23.9 41 453 5.5 -8.9
Manufacturing  522 632 23.7 64 496 18.5 -0.3
Hjemmemarked  320 254 26.5 40 199 21.1 -3.0
Eksportmarked  202 378 19.5 24 297 14.5 4.9
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply  109 496 33.0 9 836 2.1 0.7
Main industrial groupings          
Intermediate goods  195 119 17.8 25 354 22.8 5.4
Capital goods  145 751 44.2 18 200 31.6 0.9
Consumer goods  140 282 11.3 16 987 8.2 1.1
Energy goods  576 864 26.1 56 392 4.2 -9.7
1  Million NOK.