Energy and manufacturing
The annual electricity statistics give an overview of economic key figures in the power market and follow the development in supply and use of electricity.

Electricity, annual figures2013

As from December 2015 the statistics is published with Electricity.


Income statement for enterprises in the power industri, by type of utility. NOK million
20122013Production plantsWholesale plantsDistribution plantsLow integrated plantsHigh integrated plantsGrid companiesElectricity suppliers
Operating income, total110 137121 75748 10213 2136 5742 3367 21220 30324 017
Sales of energy79 08286 21644 44113 1341 0651 2543 50823822 574
Sales of transmission23 72528 477226..5 2148422 74318 794657
Other operating income7 3307 0643 435792952409601 271786
Operating expenses, total83 60692 48926 33613 6405 5632 0805 73015 80623 333
Purchase of energy41 27747 78910 35312 7859261 1092 03118320 403
Purchase of grid services8 4158 2811 73351 6071153594 40556
Other purchases of goods1 1401 30617715859215332465
Compensation of employees8 0007 9612 503946193351 1572 624628
Depreciation8 0228 5113 385887261747273 189222
Other operating expenses16 75118 6418 1856671 6282891 2405 0731 559
Operating profit26 53129 26821 766-4261 0112561 4814 496683
Financial income, total2 7094 4963 4421779915263205296
Dividends on shares/partnerships552727565..20-8126241
Interest recieved95492944919451756166176
Other financial income1 2032 8402 4281573368215118
Financial expenses total4 7456 1244 08721417364389920278
Interest paid3 0392 8481 5533913724213723159
Other financial expenses1 7073 2762 5341753640175197119
Financial items, net-2 036-1 628-645-37-74-50-125-71518
Profit on ordinary items before taxes24 49527 64021 121-4639372071 3553 781701
Taxes10 13013 44011 538-111223644201 100206
Profit before extraordinary items14 36514 2009 584-3537141429362 681495
Extraordinary income, total..94..........94..
Extraordinary depreciation00....1..0....
Other extraordinary expenses13................
Profit extraordinary items-1394....-1..094..
Taxes on extraordinary items1 19518853-73..109264
Annual profit13 15714 1059 531-3467101428282 749491
Dividends3 1381 5836654807645121790