High imports of power
Energy and manufacturing
elektrisitet, Electricity, Power stations, electricity generation, electricity consumption, energy consumption, power production, hydro power, thermal power, wind power, power-intensive manufacturing, general supply, pumped-storage Power, grid rentEnergy , Energy and manufacturing, Energy and manufacturing

ElectricityJuly 2004



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High imports of power

Net imports of power were record high for July. The imports amounted to 1 808 GWh and exports to 405 GWh. The production of power was 6 280 GWh, the lowest in this month since 1996.

Production, consumption and export surplus of electric energy in July. 1979-2004. GWh.

Production, consumption and export surplus of electric energy per month. GWh.

The imports surplus for July was record high 1 403 GWh. The import surplus came to 222 GWh in the corresponding month last year. So far this the year total imports surplus amounted to 7 000 GWh. The production of power came to 6 280 in July, which is a decrease of 834 GWh or 11.7 per cent compared July last year. The production of power was 19.1 per cent beneath average for the last teen years. So far this year total production of power has amounted to 63 211 GWh.

High consumption of power in power - intensive manufacturing

The consumption of power in power intensive manufacturing came to 2 813 GWh in July, which is record high for this month. The increase from July last year was largest in production of iron, steel and ferroalloys by 28.1 per cent. The consumption in production of industrial chemicals increased by 4.9 per cent and the increase in production of aluminum and other metals was 6.7 per cent. The consumption in production of aluminum and other metals was amounted to 1 845 GWh, which is the highest consumption ever in July. Gross domestic consumption came to 7 683 GWh - 2.6 per cent higher than average for the last ten years.

See also:

Reservoir level

Prices of electric energy
