Population increased by 25 400
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
folkendrkv, Population and population change, inhabitants, population growth, births, deaths, immigration, emigration, in-migration, out-migration, excess of births, mean population, population changes, population, net migrationBirths and deaths, Migration , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Population and population changeQ3 2005



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Population increased by 25 400

At 1 October 2005 Norway was home to 4 631 800 persons. The population has increased by 25 400 so far this year, compared with 22 000 in the same period last year. The net immigration was about 13 000 persons so far this year and made up about 50 per cent of the population growth.

Net migration. Internal and from abroad as a percentage of the population. 3rd quarter 2005

Excess of births, net migration and population growth, by quarter. 1995-            2005

The increase was composed of a natural increase - defined as the excess of births over deaths - by 12 500 and a net immigration by 13 000. The net migration was almost 4 000 higher compared with the first three quarters in 2004 and the highest in three years. Net immigration for the first three quarters has fluctuated a lot over the past ten years. While there in 1996 were registered 4 200 net immigrations, in 1999 this number was almost multiplied by four - 16 000. The natural increase was 300 lower compared with the first three quarters in 2004, but still higher than the average for the first three quarters of the past ten years

Net migration by foreign citizens. Top 10. 1st to 3rd quarter 2005

During the third quarter of 2005 the population increased by 10 500, of which net immigration contributed with 5 300.

Many Poles

With a net immigration of approximately 2 000 persons, Polish citizens comprised the largest group of immigrants. While 2 200 Poles moved to Norway in the first three quarters of 2005, only 200 moved out. Russian citizens made up the second largest group with 900 persons in the same period.