Population: Immigrants
All content for subtopic immigrants
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- Statistics (8)
- Publications and articles (87)
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Quality of life among immigrants. An analysis of the Survey on living conditions among persons with an immigrant background 2016
Reports 2018/31
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Adult refugees without education and with primary and lower secondary education
Reports 2018/29
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Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents from Syria
Reports 2018/24
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Developments in residential segregation in selected major and central municipalities after 2005
Reports 2018/23
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5 per cent more with refugee background
A total of 228 200 persons with a refugee background were living in Norway on 1 January 2018. This represented 31 per cent of all migrants, and 4.3 per cent of the total population.
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Living conditions among Norwegian-born to immigrant parents in Norway 2016
Reports 2018/20
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Naturalisation reached record level
A total of 21 600 persons were naturalised in 2017; 7 900 more than the year before. Eight out of 10 who were granted Norwegian citizenship were former citizens of non-European countries
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Women and men in Norway 2018
Who are the women and men in Norway? Statistics Norway presents similarities and differences between women and men in Norway within areas of society we can describe with statistics in Women and men in Norway.
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14 per cent of population are immigrants
The number of immigrants grew by 21 700 in 2017, which is the lowest percentage growth in the last 20 years. The number of Norwegian-born to immigrant parents grew by 11 200 in the same period.
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More immigrant-friendly attitudes
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration have become somewhat more positive during the last year and are now almost back to where they were before the surge of asylum seekers in autumn 2015.
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Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2017
Reports 2017/38
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Immigrants in Norway 2017
Statistical analyses 155
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30 per cent of immigrants have refugee background
A total of 217 200 persons with a refugee background were living in Norway on 1 January 2017. This corresponds to 30 per cent of immigrants in Norway, and four per cent of the total population. Somalia is still the largest group.
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Adoption numbers continue to fall
A total of 349 adoptions were carried out in Norway in 2016, which is the lowest recorded figure since statistics on adoption were first produced in the 1960s.
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Living conditions among imigrants in Norway 2016
Reports 2017/13