More unemployed above the age of 24
Labour market and earnings;Labour market and earnings
akumnd, Labour force survey, seasonally-adjusted figures, LFS, labour market, employees, unemployed, economically active, man-weeks worked, labour forceUnemployment , Employment , Labour market and earnings
The Labour Force Survey’s seasonally-adjusted monthly figures show the short-term development in employment and unemployment. The unemployment rate was 4.6 per cent in August 2015.

Labour force survey, seasonally-adjusted figuresAugust 2015




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The paragraph about adjustment of the unemployment rate for the previous months (July) was corrected 28 October 2015 at 01:35 pm.

More unemployed above the age of 24

Adjusted for seasonal adjustments, there were 128 000 unemployed persons in August. This corresponds to 4.6 per cent of the labour force.

Employment and unemployment for persons aged 15-74. Seasonally-adjusted series1
August 2015Change from the previous non-overlapping three-month period
1Three-month average named by the middle month.
Unemployed persons128 0009 000
In per cent of the labour force4.60.3
Employed persons2 654 0001 000
In per cent of the population68.1-0.2

Seasonally-adjusted figures from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show that unemployment increased by 9 000 persons from May (average of April-June) to August (average of July-September). The increase is within the error margin of the LFS. The increase was for persons over the age of 24.

Adjustment of the unemployment rate for the previous months (July)1

Due to inaccurate rounding, it was written that the unemployment rate for the previous month (July) was revised up to 4.4 per cent. The correct unemployment rate for July was (unrevised) at 4.3 per cent. The figure in the table and the StatBank was correct all along.

In comparison, the number of people registered as unemployed or on government initiatives to promote employment with the Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) increased by around 5 000 from May to August. This figure is also based on seasonally-adjusted figures and three-month averages.

The labour force was unchanged at 71.3 per cent of the population aged 15-74.

Small changes in employment

The LFS shows that the seasonally-adjusted number of employed persons was roughly unchanged from May to August. In August, the employment rate was 68.1 per cent, down 0.2 percentage points from May. This is due to a larger increase in the number of resident persons aged 15-74 than employed persons.

1 The paragraph was corrected 28 October 2015 at 01:35 pm.

Problems with the figure of registered unemployed in SeptemberOpen and readClose

According to the Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), a technical problem may have caused the figure of registered unemployed at NAV to be around 300-400 too low in September.