Labour market and earnings;Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants
aku, Labour force survey, LFS, labour market, employees, unemployed, economically active, labour force, labour force status, employees by industry, underemployment, part-time work, hours of work, temporary staffUnemployment , Employment , Labour market and earnings, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants

Labour force surveyQ1 2020



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Population aged 15-74, by labour force status and sex
1st quarter 20201st quarter 2019 - 1st quarter 2020
Absolute numbersPer cent1Change in absolute numbersChange in percentage points1
1The labour force is calculated as a share of the population in the same age group. Labour force = number of employed persons + number of unemployed persons. Employed persons is calculated as a share of the population in the same age group. Unemployed is calculated as a share of the labour force in the same age group.
Labour force
Both sexes2 831 00070.231 0000.3
Males1 502 00073.120 0000.5
Females1 329 00067.311 0000.2
Employed persons
Both sexes2 728 00067.736 0000.5
Males1 445 00070.323 0000.7
Females1 283 00064.913 0000.2
Both sexes103 0003.6-5 000-0.3
Males57 0003.8-3 000-0.2
Females46 0003.5-2 000-0.2