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International experiences with "green GDP"
Rapporter 2006/32
There are currently debates in many countries on whether or not to adjust or correct the measure of gross domestic product (GDP) for deterioration of the state of the environment and depletion of natural resources. The surge in interest f...
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The Norwegian emission inventory 2006
Rapporter 2006/30
The Norwegian emission inventory is a joint undertaking between the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority and Statistics Norway. The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority is responsible for the emission factors and for providing data from...
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Water consumption in food processing and the service industries in Norway
Notater 2006/12
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Driving forces behind the environmental pressure in Nordic countries
Notater 2006/15
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Klimagassregnskapet – et regnskap med holdbarhetsdato
Økonomiske analyser 4/2006
Klimakonvensjonen og Kyoto-protokollen pålegger industrilandene et strengt regime for beregning og rapportering av utslipp av CO2 og andre klimagasser.
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Bygging i strandsona
Notater 2006/50
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Utfordringer i framtidas Norge
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Sikrere beregninger av klimagassutslipp
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Mer varme og mindre støv
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Methane emissions from Norwegian landfills
Notater 2006/7
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Kartbasert rapportering i KOSTRA
Notater 2006/30
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Kommunal avløpssektor
Rapporter 2006/11
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Støysvake bildekk vil redusere støyplagen mest
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Fyrer mer ved i nye ovner
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Ny statistikk for farlige kjemikalier på trappene