Women and immigrants in trade and industry
Establishments, enterprises and accounts
ner, Ownership and roles in industry, survival rate, new businesses, founders, personally-owned enterprises, limited companies, public limited companies, sole proprietorships, enterprise size, enterprise by industryOwnership and roles , Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Ownership and roles in industry1 January 2004



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Women and immigrants in trade and industry

One in three sole proprietorships is set up by a woman. Women entrepreneurs choose traditional industries, and mainly set up their business in industries dominated by women. Every fourth sole proprietorship in Norway is owned by a woman. In public limited companies, one in ten board members is a woman. These are some of the findings in a new statistics from Statistics Norway.

Ownership and roles in trade and industry

In cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Statistics Norway is currently developing a new statistics on ownership and roles in trade and industry. The statistics is based on the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, which provides information on the roles of natural persons, Statistics Norway's Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises and data from Statistics Norway's social statistics. The statistics include information on topics such as women and immigrants in trade and industry, and focus on ownership and roles, information about entrepreneurs and descriptions of qualifications, age and gender in different industries. This article focuses on women and immigrants in private companies and board representation in public limited companies. For information on definitions and delineation, see About the statistics. For more statistics on enterprises from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises, go to http://www.ssb.no/emner/10/01/ .

One in three sole proprietors is a woman

In 2003, 39 000 enterprises were started in Norway. 27 000 of them were sole proprietorships, almost 900 were general partnerships and almost 1 500 were general partnerships with shared liability. The biggest group not included here is limited companies. Of the sole proprietorships that were started in 2003, one in three was owned by a woman. In comparison, one in five general partnerships and general partnerships with shared liability was established by one or more women.

Traditional industries

When women set up their own business, they choose traditional industries. There is a majority of women in health and social services and personal services. The other industries are still dominated by men. There are very few women in the construction industry, and this also applies to new established enterprises. If we look at sole proprietorships, women are behind 3 per cent of new established enterprises in the construction industry, whereas they own two out of three sole proprietorships within health and social services.

One in ten board members is a woman

At the beginning of 2004, the 552 public limited companies in Norway had 2 813 board members. Only one in ten (254) is a woman. The proportion of women chairmen is even lower, at 3 per cent (14 out of 546). Fourteen new public limited companies were established in 2003. Only 10 per cent of their board members are women, and only one of the fourteen chairmen is a woman.

Where are the immigrants?

The majority of immigrant entrepreneurs work in real estate and business activities, and in hotels and restaurants. One in three sole proprietorships in the hotel and restaurant industry is owned by an immigrant. However, there a few immigrants in the manufacturing, financial services and insurance industry. This is also evident when we look at the number of new established enterprises, as immigrants own four in ten sole proprietorships in the hotel and restaurant industry.

More figures in StatBank Norway

Data on the number of enterprises at 1 January 2004, new established enterprises in 2003 and actors by industry and type of organisation, county, size and number of employees, gender, age and education will be available in StatBank Norway in the future.
