NOK 2.1 billion for repairs
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
stjenester, Other service statistics, structural business statistics, repair services, personal services, enterprises, employees, turnoverService activities , Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Other service statistics, structural business statistics2011, preliminary figures



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NOK 2.1 billion for repairs

Enterprises operating within repair of computers and personal household goods had a total turnover of NOK 2.1 billion in 2011. This is an increase of 2.2 per cent compared to 2010.

Repair of computers and personal household goods. Turnover by industry group. 2011

Within repair of computers and communication equipment, the total turnover amounted to NOK 1.1 billion; an increase of 4.4 per cent. The industry employed 1 100 persons; an increase of 1.1 per cent.

Enterprises operating within repair of personal household goods had a total turnover of NOK 1.0 billion, unchanged compared to 2010. The employment decreased by 1.9 per cent, to 1 366 persons.

Growth within other personal service activities

Enterprises within other personal service activities that operate within the areas washing and dry cleaning, hairdressing and other beauty treatment and funeral services had a total turnover of NOK 13.2 billion. This is an increase of 6.0 per cent compared to 2010.

Preliminary figures

Preliminary figures for structural business statistics are only published at enterprise level. The data are not as thoroughly revised as they will be when the final figures are published in 18 months.
