Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption

Index of wholesale and retail salesFebruary 2015


Petrol stations, turnover statistics. NOK 1 000
TotalEngine fuel and lubricantsCar equipmentEveryday commoditiesOther goods including music and video salesFood serviceWorkshop service and car washRentingGames/commision
201447 258 89537 902 476581 8464 725 433433 1252 054 522948 96286 642525 889
March 20134 040 9483 196 77146 680396 80443 089153 022143 5559 16651 861
April 20133 823 3713 058 72257 344354 99134 244144 254114 7179 64149 458
May 20134 210 4063 283 81356 384508 29146 288175 10673 70412 32654 494
June 20134 398 8903 536 55247 675456 36746 332183 90860 33313 27354 450
July 20134 400 1723 524 15749 654453 66850 784192 08265 86013 45850 509
August 20134 345 1463 547 89641 131416 90839 620184 77451 78812 89250 137
September 20134 091 0013 436 06234 394335 41129 601154 06045 9048 88646 683
October 20133 988 2413 246 90665 589359 55231 899166 07768 9113 95445 353
November 20133 817 8433 087 60860 801338 52629 331152 035101 2534 68843 601
December 20133 874 9113 080 99455 684385 14935 685176 32688 0724 62948 372
January 20143 612 3703 003 41248 868289 09025 479130 46669 1226 86039 073
February 20143 473 7052 829 41537 829318 52425 761136 82578 8607 96338 528
March 20143 759 8792 997 22741 521365 22029 336159 313116 2345 69245 336
April 20143 787 0252 959 49053 954418 75341 957169 23593 0696 49944 068
May 20144 153 2823 300 95651 666454 69845 143173 10083 4407 25737 022
June 20144 492 4863 568 98346 058499 41452 487197 04969 6748 87749 944
July 20144 284 3243 390 95546 609475 00354 447202 29861 9778 56744 468
August 20144 088 1163 282 49939 807429 36536 050197 29348 2998 96545 838
September 20144 042 6513 307 67540 318380 23329 086176 73858 1757 50842 918
October 20144 004 5063 269 69157 974362 22928 010173 25261 9207 42344 007
November 20143 747 3173 004 42553 990351 37127 427159 11398 3276 21946 445
December 20143 813 2342 987 74863 252381 53337 942179 840109 8654 81248 242
January 20153 454 2902 741 22849 520341 58129 218162 52881 3814 43544 399
February 20153 363 1712 664 08042 684325 60128 226146 728110 6594 40540 788