Less retail sales in July than in June
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities;Income and consumption
doi, Index of wholesale and retail sales, retail sales, volume index, value index, retail trade, commodity trade, turnover (for example groceries, clothing, building materials)Wholesale and retail trade , Consumption, Income and consumption, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

Index of wholesale and retail salesJuly 2002



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Less retail sales in July than in June

The seasonally adjusted volume index of retail sales decreased by 0.6 per cent in July compared with June this year. Compared with July 2001 the seasonally adjusted volume index rose by 2.5 per cent.

The volume index of retail sales not seasonally adjusted increased by 4.1 per cent in July 2002 compared with July 2001. During the same period the value index rose by 6.8 per cent. Retail sale is exclusive sales of motor vehicles and petrol.

Preliminary results

These preliminary results are based on a sample of 9 260 responds. Before the publication of the final results of the retail sales index for July 2002, we expect to receive another 1 300 responds. The final results, to be published 6t h of September 2002, may therefore be adjusted.

Retail sales indices. July 2002. Preliminary figures. 1995=100
  July 2002 Per cent
  June-July 2002 July 2001-July 2002 August 2000-July 2001 - August 2001-July 2002 January-July 2001 - January-July 2002
Retail sales value index exclude value added tax: Total, excluding motor vehicles and petrol  137.1   6.8 4.8 5.5
Retail sales volume index: Total, excluding motor vehicles and petrol. Not seasonally adjusted numbers  120.3   4.1 2.7 3.2
Retail sales volume index: Total, excluding motor vehicles and petrol. Seasonally adjusted numbers  120.7 -0.6 2.5 2.8 3.0
