Even lower electoral turnout
sametingsvalg, Sami election, election results, electoral turnout, political parties, party/electoral list, persons entitled to vote, advance votes, votes at polling station, valid votes, distributation of candidates, Sami parliament representativesSami elections, Elections

Sami election9 September 2013



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Even lower electoral turnout

The electoral turnout at this year’s Sameting election was 66.9 per cent. Compared to the election four years ago, this was a decrease of 2.4 percentage points. About 43 per cent of votes were cast in advance, which is the highest to date.

Sameting election. Valid votes, rejected votes and blank votes, by election district
Godkjende røysterRejected votesBlank votes
Total9 91937121
Østre valkrins1 640419
Ávjovári valkrins2 676015
Nordre valkrins1 444422
Gáisi valkrins1 4141521
Vesthavet valkrins912012
Sørsamisk valkrins593413
Sør-Noreg valkrins1 2401019

The electoral turnout at the Sameting election was 66.9 per cent, which is about 11 per cent lower than in the Storting election this year. The highest electoral turnout was in Àvajovàri constituency, with 74.3 per cent. The second highest was Østre constituency with 74.2 per cent. The lowest electoral turnout was in Sør-Noreg constituency with 56.0 per cent, which is an increase of 1.7 percentage points. The difference between the highest and lowest electoral turnout in the seven different constituencies was 18.3 percentage points.

43 per cent of the votes were cast in advance

More than 40 per cent of the votes were cast in advance. This is an increase of 3 percentage points compared with the election four years ago. Most votes cast in advance were in the two southern most constituencies, with 67 and 72 per cent respectively.

NSR is the largest party

The NSR is the largest party for the first time since 2001. The party increased its share of votes and the Labour Party had a strong decline, making it the second largest party. The Àrja party received 11 per cent of all votes and got four representatives in the Sameting. The Labour Party got 10 mandates and NSR 11. In total, these two parties received 21 mandates of 39 possible, or 54 per cent of all representatives in the Sameting.

Exactly the same female representation since 2009

Nineteen women were elected at the Sameting election, which constitutes 49 per cent of the members of parliament. This is the same result as in 2009. The Norwegian Sami National Association (NSR) has a female representation of 55 per cent; the same as four years ago.

Àvjovàri constituency with most votes per members

If we divide the number of votes by the number of members in the Sameting, 254 votes were given per member on average. Most votes per member were given in Àvjovàri, with 335, followed by the constituency of Nordre with 289. Fewest votes per member were given in Sørsamisk constituency, with 148 votes.

Number entitled to vote continues to rise

The number of persons entitled to vote in this year’s Sameting election amounted to 15 005. This is 1 118 more than in the 2009 election. The largest constituency is Àvjorvarì, with 3 620, and the smallest is Sørsamisk constituency with 970 persons entitled to vote.