Half of referendums held in Sør-Trøndelag
folkavs_kostra, Local referendums, local democracy, persons entitled to vote, electoral turnoutReferendums, Elections
Local referendums in Norwegian counties and municipalities in the period from 1970 and onwards.Six local referendums were held in Norway in 2014.

Local referendums2014



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Half of referendums held in Sør-Trøndelag

Six local referendums were held in 2014, with a total of 10 139 eligible voters and a voter turnout of 54 per cent. Half of the referendums were held in the county of Sør-Trøndelag. The referendums related to municipal boundaries and Norwegian language variants.

Numbers of local referendums in Norwegian municipalities, last four years by category
Variant of the Norwegian language2324
District and identity2000
Other subjects0020

Statistics Norway has registered a total of 727 local referendums on various issues in the period 1970 to 2014. Voter turnout has varied, and has usually been lower than in general elections and municipal and county elections.

Referendums on municipal boundaries in the county of Sør-Trøndelag

The municipalities of Bjugn and Ørlandet held referendums on merging the municipalities. The turnout was 54 per cent in Ørland and 65 per cent in Bjugn. In Ørland, 63 per cent of the eligible voters voted in favour of merging the municipalities, while in Bjugn, 64 per cent voted against. The process of merging the municipalities was halted as a result of the majority in Bjugn opposing a merger.

Norwegian language variants

Of the 727 local referendums that have been registered since 1970, 44 per cent have related to Norwegian language variants. In 2014, four of the local referendums; in Hol in the county of Buskerud, Sandnes in the county of Rogaland, Kvinesdal in the county of Vest-Agder and Skaun in the county of Sør-Trøndelag, dealt with the written language variant to be used in primary and lower secondary schools. The result of the referendums was a majority for Nynorsk as a written language in Hol and Kvinesdal. In Sandnes and Skaun, a majority voted for Bokmål as the written language.