External economy
Statistics for Norwegian trade in services with the Nordic countries, EU and other regions. The statistics give information about imports and exports of services by major industry group and type of service.

External trade in servicesQ4 2016


External trade in services for non-financial enterprises, major industry activity. Last 5 quarters. NOK million
4th quarter 20151st quarter 20162nd quarter 20163rd quarter 20164th quarter 2016
Balance-1 726.0-5 925.0-6 549.0-8 480.0-2 902.0
All industries65 09653 40553 54750 86458 287
Mining and quarrying5 2554 4134 7304 9605 034
Manufacturing6 2294 9805 8994 7945 830
Wholesale and retail trade1 7271 1361 2801 2731 797
Transportation and storage30 64025 62523 99322 90024 978
Information and communication5 9965 8666 3695 5896 979
Professional, scientific and technical activities10 6017 8968 2727 40610 233
Administrative and support service activities3 6202 5612 1303 0442 485
Other industries948794677821552
All industries66 82259 33060 09659 34461 189
Mining and quarrying17 56617 00318 12516 53216 531
Manufacturing5 2944 6883 9864 2355 287
Wholesale and retail trade5 3464 2034 9464 6993 974
Transportation and storage19 45315 92015 18415 94016 695
Information and communication7 4346 6537 4146 8627 120
Professional, scientific and technical activities5 6785 7634 5655 0515 959
Administrative and support service activities4 0013 1233 8374 1253 702
Other industries1 4431 4451 4251 2561 293