Education;Immigration and immigrants

Educational attainment of the population1 October 2012


Norwegian born with immigrant parents 16 years and over, by sex, field of education and level of education
TotalBasic school levelUpper secondary education1Tertiary education short2Tertiary education long3Unknown or no completed education
1Including the level 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
2Tertiary education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
3Tertiary education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
Total32 27615 3859 2534 7511 7981 089
General programmes20 73315 3805 352:..
Humanities and arts826.295421110.
Social sciences and law938.139563236.
Business and administration2 241.7101 293238.
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects2 591:1 334865390.
Health, welfare and sport2 831:1 0671 007755.
Primary industries45.3456.
Transport and communications, safty and security and other services416.3071027.
Unspecified field of study1 169:1544201 089
Males16 6418 6424 5451 981900573
General programmes11 1448 6402 503:..
Humanities and arts291.10014249.
Social sciences and law366.8219589.
Business and administration1 046.262654130.
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects2 142.1 251614277.
Health, welfare and sport731:218188324.
Primary industries26.22.4.
Transport and communications, safty and security and other services186.103785.
Unspecified field of study605:41611573
Females15 6356 7434 7082 770898516
General programmes9 5896 7402 849...
Humanities and arts535.19527961.
Social sciences and law572.57368147.
Business and administration1 195.448639108.
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects449:83251113.
Health, welfare and sport2 100:849819431.
Primary industries19.125:.
Transport and communications, safty and security and other services230.20424:.
Unspecified field of study564.11289516