More popular to travel abroad
Transport and tourism;Culture and recreation
ferie, Holiday surveyTourism , Time and media use, Transport and tourism, Culture and recreation

Holiday survey2007



More popular to travel abroad

The total number of holiday trips abroad was 3.4 million in 2007, the highest figure ever recorded and an increase of 49 per cent since 1999 and 5 per cent since 2006.

The release of the Holiday survey ceased with the 2008 survey.

Number of holiday trips to the most visited destinations. 2007. 1000

In total, 2.7 million Norwegians aged between 16 and 79 went on 5.8 million holiday trips lasting at least four nights in 2007. This is a 6 per cent decrease from the previous year.

Spain remained the most popular destination for long trips and was the destination for more than 650 000 holiday trips in 2007. Denmark and Sweden were the second and third most popular countries.

Flying abroad

Flying is the most popular means of transport when Norwegians go abroad. In 2007, 76 per cent of all holiday trips abroad were by plane.


Staying in hotels is the most popular type of accommodation abroad, whilst holidaymakers in Norway preferred to use their own holiday homes or other type of private accommodation.

The figures for 2004, 2005 and 2006 have been revised. The revised figures are available in StatBank Norway and the attached tables for 2004, 2005 and 2006. The articles for these years have not been revised.

The reason for the revision is incorrect data capture. The information for a great deal of the trips carried out in October, November and December were collected in connection with the fourth quarter of the Travel Survey instead of the Holiday survey.

The revision of the figures resulted in an increase of 3-4 per cent in the total number of trips. There was an increase in domestic trips and a decrease in outbound trips.
