Social conditions, welfare and crime;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard

Penal sanctions2015


Sanctions, by type of principal offence and criminal record. Absolute figures
TotalAll with clarified registration in the Central Criminal Record¬ Previously registered in the Central Criminal Record¬ Not previously registered in the Central Criminal Record¬ Unknown if previously registered in the Central Criminal RecordNo clarified registration in the Central Criminal Record
The figures were changed on 1 June 2018.
All types of offences291 85038 86323 93614 9270252 987
¬ Property theft7 7313 9982 6301 36803 733
¬¬ Theft, total7 6603 9952 6281 36703 665
¬¬¬ Petty theft3 6922721603 665
¬¬¬¬ Petty theft from shop and other sales outlet2 3251913602 306
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified petty theft1 36788001 359
¬¬¬ Theft2 4482 4481 4391 00900
¬¬¬¬ Theft from shops and other sales outlet1 3051 30568062500
¬¬¬¬ Theft from other business and public institution27427416910500
¬¬¬¬ Theft from dwelling and holiday home2002001554500
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from dwelling124124992500
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from holiday home664200
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from storage area, garage and other area by dwelling and holiday home7070521800
¬¬¬¬ Theft from car and other motor vehicle134134963800
¬¬¬¬ Bicycle theft106106792700
¬¬¬¬ Theft from the person4343222100
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from the person at sales outlet3535181700
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from the person on public transport (from 1.10.2015)110100
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from the person in the street, park, other recreation area (from 1.10.2015)221100
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from the person at sports facility, cultural venue etc. (from 1.10.2015)110100
¬¬¬¬¬ Theft from the person at other public and private place (from 1.10.2015)443100
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified theft38638623814800
¬¬¬ Aggravated theft1 2161 21690930700
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from shop and other sales outlet2132131516200
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from other business or public institution2112111684300
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from dwelling and holiday home3693692957400
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from dwelling2072071535400
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from holiday home8686741200
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from storage area, garage and other area by dwelling and holiday home767668800
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from car and other motor vehicle1141141041000
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from the person152152737900
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from the person at sales outlet (from 1.10.2015)000000
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from the person on public transport (from 1.10.2015)330300
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from the person in the street, park, other recreation area (from 1.10.2015)000000
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from the person at sports facility, cultural venue etc. (from 1.10.2015)000000
¬¬¬¬¬ Aggravated theft from the person at other or unspecified place149149737600
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified aggravated theft1571571183900
¬¬¬ Theft of car and other motor vehicle3043042594500
¬¬¬¬ Theft of car2222221893300
¬¬¬¬ Theft of motor cycle and moped393934500
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified theft of motor vehicle434336700
¬¬ Other unlawful use and possession of property71321068
¬ Other offences for profit22 3813 8731 9581 915018 508
¬¬ Receipt of stolen property and money laundering70470147123003
¬¬¬ Receipt of stolen property, total65665344321003
¬¬¬¬ Receipt of stolen property60259941518403
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated receipt of stolen property5454282600
¬¬¬ Money laundering, total3434171700
¬¬¬¬ Money laundering14147700
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated money laundering2020101000
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified receipt of stolen property and money laundering141411300
¬¬ Fraud, total1 5931 536796740057
¬¬¬ Petty fraud and the like105481533057
¬¬¬ Fraud1 3591 35969566400
¬¬¬ Aggravated fraud129129864300
¬¬ Embezzlement, total32532410222201
¬¬¬ Embezzlement2222216116001
¬¬¬ Aggravated embezzlement103103416200
¬¬ Misappropriation of funds3838182000
¬¬ Corruption and influencing trade141431100
¬¬ Accounting offences7405833002830157
¬¬ Creditor-related offences15158700
¬¬ Tax and duty offences6543782051730276
¬¬¬ Tax evasion116116566000
¬¬¬ Aggravated tax evasion994500
¬¬¬ Other tax and duty offences5292531451080276
¬¬ Violations of the Customs Act18 25527853225017 977
¬¬¬ Smuggling17 97423546189017 739
¬¬¬ Other violations of the Customs Act281437360238
¬¬ Other business and economic offences43624037
¬ Criminal damage7756623782840113
¬¬ Damage to property, total7576443692750113
¬¬¬ Petty damage to property1163210113
¬¬¬¬ Petty damage to building47321044
¬¬¬¬ Petty damage to motor vehicle and other means of transport (from 1.10.2015)100001
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified petty damage to property68000068
¬¬¬ Damage to property59059033525500
¬¬¬¬ Damage to building2622621639900
¬¬¬¬ Damage to motor vehicle and other means of transport163163867700
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified damage to property165165867900
¬¬¬ Aggravated damage to property5151321900
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated damage to building4747301700
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated damage to motor vehicle and other means of transport442200
¬¬¬¬ Other aggravated damage to property000000
¬¬ Public danger from fire and other criminal damage18189900
¬ Violence and maltreatment5 6915 2623 2991 9630429
¬¬ Offences of violence3 9933 9932 3291 66400
¬¬¬ Assault, total2 1412 1411 1131 02800
¬¬¬¬ Assault2 0392 0391 05298700
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated assault102102614100
¬¬¬ Bodily harm, total80080057722300
¬¬¬¬ Bodily harm73173152021100
¬¬¬¬ Grievous bodily harm6969571200
¬¬¬ Murder2424131100
¬¬¬ Attempted murder171711600
¬¬¬ Unintentional bodily harm or manslaughter7575255000
¬¬¬¬ Unintentional bodily harm4141152600
¬¬¬¬ Manslaughter3434102400
¬¬¬ Maltreatment in close relations, total26326312713600
¬¬¬¬ Maltreatment in close relations21521510710800
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated maltreatment in close relations4848202800
¬¬¬ Assault of public servant66866846120700
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified offences of violence552300
¬¬ Threats, total93493472221200
¬¬¬ Threats (from 1.10.2015)774300
¬¬¬ Aggravated threats (from 1.10.2015)000000
¬¬¬ Threats against public servant6969581100
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified threats85885866019800
¬¬ Robbery and extortion2362361795700
¬¬¬ Robbery1691691274200
¬¬¬ Aggravated robbery5757441300
¬¬¬ Extortion666000
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified robbery and extortion442200
¬¬ Coercion2121111000
¬¬ Deprivation of liberty292927200
¬¬ Offences within family relations and the like19169703
¬¬ Reckless behaviour and stalking456302190426
¬¬ Human trafficking221100
¬¬ Terrorism and terror-related offences000000
¬¬ Other violence and maltreatment110100
¬ Sexual offences85985938747200
¬¬ Rape, total180180948600
¬¬¬ Rape168168878100
¬¬¬¬ Rape, children under 14 years of age8888424600
¬¬¬¬ Rape, other or unspecified age8080453500
¬¬¬ Aggravated rape12127500
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated rape, children under 14 years of age (from 1.10.2015)000000
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated rape, other or unspecified age12127500
¬¬ Attempted rape776100
¬¬ Sexual intercourse through abuse of position of trust171751200
¬¬ Sexual intercourse with a child aged 14-15 years8080443600
¬¬ Sexual intercourse within family relations221100
¬¬ Sexual act9595405500
¬¬¬ Sexual act with a child under 16 years of age6262283400
¬¬¬ Other sexual act without consent3333122100
¬¬ Sexually abusive behaviour191191939800
¬¬¬ Sexually abusive behaviour with a child under 16 years of age (from. 1.10.2015)331200
¬¬¬ Sexually abusive behaviour, other or unspecified age188188929600
¬¬ Other or unspecified sexual offences28728710418300
¬ Drug and alcohol offences21 68220 32913 3726 95701 353
¬¬ Narcotic offences15 96415 96311 1544 80901
¬¬¬ Narcotics, Act relating to medicinal goods etc.7 7967 7955 2692 52601
¬¬¬¬ Narcotics, use4 8634 8623 0811 78101
¬¬¬¬ Narcotics, minor possession2 9332 9332 18874500
¬¬¬ Narcotics, Penal Code, total8 1688 1685 8852 28300
¬¬¬¬ Narcotic offences, Penal Code7 3867 3865 3252 06100
¬¬¬¬ Aggravated narcotic offences, Penal Code78278256022200
¬¬ Doping46446422623800
¬¬¬ Doping, Act relating to medicinal goods etc.8585582700
¬¬¬ Doping, Penal Code37937916821100
¬¬ Driving under the influence4 6623 8071 9361 8710855
¬¬¬ Driving under the influence, road traffic4 4133 6791 8541 8250734
¬¬¬ Driving under the influence, other24912882460121
¬¬ Violations of the Alcohol Act, total473201640453
¬¬¬ Violations of the Alcohol Act473201640453
¬¬¬ Aggravated violations of the Alcohol Act000000
¬¬ Other or unspecified drug and alcohol offences119754035044
¬ Public order and integrity violations11 0301 81392788609 217
¬¬ Public order violations5 8602131654805 647
¬¬¬ Breach of the peace, total4 0612213904 039
¬¬¬¬ Regional public order statute, urinating and other1 34611001 345
¬¬¬¬ Breach of the peace under self-induced intoxication1 625117401 614
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified breach of the peace1 090105501 080
¬¬¬ Weapons, fire and explosives legislation1 7991911523901 608
¬¬¬¬ Bearing arms in a public place536494270487
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified weapons offences596136107290460
¬¬¬¬ Fire and explosives legislation6676330661
¬¬ Violations of public authority4 11477535741803 339
¬¬¬ Obstructing and counteracting public authority3 274108872103 166
¬¬¬¬ Obstructing and harrassing a public servant72912480717
¬¬¬¬¬ Harrassing a public servant47210370462
¬¬¬¬¬ Obstructing a public servant2572110255
¬¬¬¬ Counteracting legal action and criminal prosecution2 54596831302 449
¬¬¬¬¬ Obligation of identification to public authority2942200292
¬¬¬¬¬ Violation of exclusion order175332850142
¬¬¬¬¬ Other order issued by police and other authority1 72355001 718
¬¬¬¬¬ Counteraction of the execution of sentences261282710233
¬¬¬¬¬ Other counteraction of legal action and criminal prosecution9228217064
¬¬¬ Perjury and false accusation151151579400
¬¬¬¬ Perjury9595286700
¬¬¬¬ False accusation5656292700
¬¬¬ Immigration legislation588509211298079
¬¬¬¬ Violation of entry ban2182161526402
¬¬¬¬ Assistance of illegal entry and stay161641200
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified immigration legislation35427755222077
¬¬¬ Misconduct and misuse of public authority730304
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified violation of public authority94422090
¬¬ Violations of integrity1 0568254054200231
¬¬¬ Document and ID offences8826703033670212
¬¬¬¬ Document forgery64964228635607
¬¬¬¬¬ Document forgery, use58958826931901
¬¬¬¬¬ Document forgery, production and procurement6054173706
¬¬¬¬ Counterfeiting14149500
¬¬¬¬ ID offences (from 1.10.2015)16000016
¬¬¬¬¬ ID offences, handling (from 1.10.2015)900009
¬¬¬¬¬ ID offences, use (from 1.10.2015)700007
¬¬¬¬ Other or unspecified document and ID offences20314860189
¬¬¬ Unauthorised access and stay135135914400
¬¬¬¬ Trespassing, building and other place121121863500
¬¬¬¬ Unauthorised access to computer and communication system14145900
¬¬¬ Invasion of privacy211001
¬¬¬ Hate speech and discrimination886200
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified violation of integrity291147018
¬ Traffic offences220 3751 6098008090218 766
¬¬ Road traffic offences220 0861 6067998070218 480
¬¬¬ Non-possession of driving licence4 9924884256304 504
¬¬¬ Speeding174 9128672676000174 045
¬¬¬ Personal injury1 23548123601 187
¬¬¬ Other or unspecified road traffic offences38 94720395108038 744
¬¬ Other transport and traffic legislation2893120286
¬ Other offences1 3264581852730868
¬¬ Offences against nature and the environment1 0754011662350674
¬¬¬ Poisoning as a danger to public health and serious environmental offences000000
¬¬¬ Hunting and fishing offences3426420336
¬¬¬ Other offences against nature and the environment7333951622330338
¬¬ Work environment legislation1207160113
¬¬ Other or unspecified penal legislation131501832081