Social conditions, welfare and crime;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard
Sanctions and sanctioned persons in Norway.

Penal sanctions2014

With the upcoming release of sanctions 2015, Statistics Norway`s crime statistics will entail changes in the classification of offences. Following the new Norwegian penal code which came into effect on 1 October 2015, the raw data files from the police registers have been changed, thus Statistics Norway has developed a new version of Standard for types of offences: Type of offence 2015. The new way of grouping offences will cause certain time breaks in the statistics. The new classification of offences is available (without figures until the publication of sanctions 2015) in the existing tables for sanctions in the StatBank.


Persons sanctioned, by category of principal offence, group of principal offence and citizenship (continent and selected countries). Absolute figures1
TotalCrimesMisdemeanoursAll group of offencesEconomic offencesOther offences for profitOffences of violenceSexual offencesOffences of narcoticsDamage to propertyEnvironment offencesWork environment offencesTraffic offencesOther offences
1Citizenship is specified for the 10 countries with the highest total number of persons sanctioned.
Total269 58827 944241 644269 5881 71426 2014 43777213 32655565623211 51910 385
All continents255 24527 893227 352255 2451 71320 7784 43377013 30255365623202 64710 370
Europe248 46425 677222 787248 4641 65319 6034 14171212 29552664923199 4159 447
Norway220 54621 362199 184220 5461 32414 0453 69665010 66545458421181 1937 914
Denmark1 8342001 6341 834121592631346801 42264
Sweden3 5565413 0153 55648317701127823502 618186
Poland7 4558936 5627 4551101 925941532519404 567396
Romania2 0167441 2722 0161590528101043101718222
Lithuania3 9375683 3693 937519725351397402 534172
United Kingdom9551388179558671938661072342
Germany1 2421191 1231 242812016167210098038
Africa2 6151 1911 4242 6151450013625675920827427
Asia3 1468642 2823 146385721303025616301 661440
Unknown14 208214 20614 20805 3910001008 8142