Social conditions, welfare and crime;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard
Sanctions and sanctioned persons in Norway.

Penal sanctions2014

With the upcoming release of sanctions 2015, Statistics Norway`s crime statistics will entail changes in the classification of offences. Following the new Norwegian penal code which came into effect on 1 October 2015, the raw data files from the police registers have been changed, thus Statistics Norway has developed a new version of Standard for types of offences: Type of offence 2015. The new way of grouping offences will cause certain time breaks in the statistics. The new classification of offences is available (without figures until the publication of sanctions 2015) in the existing tables for sanctions in the StatBank.


Sanctions, by category of principal offence, group of principal offence and citizenship (continent and selected countries). Absolute figures1
TotalCrimesMisdemeanoursEconomic offencesOther offences for profitOffences of violenceSexual offencesOffences of narcoticsDamage to propertyEnvironment offencesWork environment offencesTraffic offencesOther offences
1Citizenship is specified for the 10 countries with the highest total number of persons sanctioned.
Total302 64632 605270 0411 86729 4895 00880516 52669580398234 27313 082
All continents286 93332 538254 3951 86123 7775 00080316 49469375924224 51113 011
Europe279 06129 949249 1121 79922 4444 66674215 23066175224220 82511 918
Norway247 74725 205222 5421 45316 2914 17967713 37358268322200 36310 124
Denmark2 0802161 864141872731476901 61077
Sweden3 9435953 34850350741131528502 895215
Poland8 3139757 3381162 1331041637419505 089457
Romania2 3328321 5001599333121323101857276
Lithuania4 4056183 787531 0545851627402 861201
United Kingdom1 0591469138741939161080948
Germany1 3731251 24891341816921001 08842
Africa3 1331 4571 67614575153278811120949521
Asia3 6149612 653406451513130219301 916507
Americas1 02215886471082937321073861
Without citizenship1656310213682311007214
Unknown15 548415 54455 676001144749 69057