Social conditions, welfare and crime;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard
Sanctions and sanctioned persons in Norway.

Penal sanctions2014

With the upcoming release of sanctions 2015, Statistics Norway`s crime statistics will entail changes in the classification of offences. Following the new Norwegian penal code which came into effect on 1 October 2015, the raw data files from the police registers have been changed, thus Statistics Norway has developed a new version of Standard for types of offences: Type of offence 2015. The new way of grouping offences will cause certain time breaks in the statistics. The new classification of offences is available (without figures until the publication of sanctions 2015) in the existing tables for sanctions in the StatBank.


Sanctions, by type of sanction, age and sex. Absolute figures
TotalAll ages 15 years or older15-17 years18-20 years21-24 years25-29 years30-39 years40-49 years50-59 years60 years or olderUnknown age
All types of sanctions
Total302 646301 8254 32518 03925 50231 27062 11370 25349 25441 069821
Both sexes292 143292 1434 31417 82324 88530 25159 87767 78347 26639 9440
Males223 190223 1903 46714 37620 03523 93945 25349 45635 54131 1230
Females68 95368 9538473 4474 8506 31214 62418 32711 7258 8210
Unknown sex10 5039 682112166171 0192 2362 4701 9881 125821
Prosecution conditionally dropped
Total5 2385 2261 64857841043564768739342812
Both sexes5 2265 2261 6485784104356476873934280
Males3 7893 7891 1754432963234685053002790
Females1 4371 437473135114112179182931490
Unknown sex1200000000012
On the spot fine
Total224 884224 7386958 46614 02320 11645 89656 91241 92536 705146
Both sexes215 056215 0566848 25013 40619 09743 66054 44239 93735 5800
Males158 163158 1635816 26510 14414 28231 40938 38229 43827 6620
Females56 89356 8931031 9853 2624 81512 25116 06010 4997 9180
Unknown sex9 8289 682112166171 0192 2362 4701 9881 125146
Ticket fine
Total52 86852 2171 5246 9228 0987 57210 7608 9275 1563 258651
Both sexes52 21752 2171 5246 9228 0987 57210 7608 9275 1563 2580
Males44 09944 0991 2985 8306 9356 5469 1757 4234 3042 5880
Females8 1188 1182261 0921 1631 0261 5851 5048526700
Unknown sex651000000000651
Total1 5451 533151372182033323511819612
Both sexes1 5331 53315137218203332351181960
Males1 3561 35615118197180298305156870
Unknown sex1200000000012
Community sentence
Total2 1552 155180362330339470315135240
Both sexes2 1552 155180362330339470315135240
Males1 7621 762170313271269385226109190
Unknown sex00000000000
Conditional imprisonment
Total5 3345 3342116158097551 1639875262680
Both sexes5 3345 3342116158097551 1639875262680
Males4 4044 4041785356866329338024112270
Unknown sex00000000000
Unconditional imprisonment
Total10 55510 555439551 6051 8422 8262 0669332850
Both sexes10 55510 555439551 6051 8422 8262 0669332850
Males9 5569 556418691 4981 7002 5671 8058192570
Unknown sex00000000000
Special sanction or other type of sanction
Both sexes67679498198550
Unknown sex00000000000