Social conditions, welfare and crime;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard
Sanctions and sanctioned persons in Norway.

Penal sanctions2014

With the upcoming release of sanctions 2015, Statistics Norway`s crime statistics will entail changes in the classification of offences. Following the new Norwegian penal code which came into effect on 1 October 2015, the raw data files from the police registers have been changed, thus Statistics Norway has developed a new version of Standard for types of offences: Type of offence 2015. The new way of grouping offences will cause certain time breaks in the statistics. The new classification of offences is available (without figures until the publication of sanctions 2015) in the existing tables for sanctions in the StatBank.


Sanctions, by type of sanction, category of principal offence and group of principal offence. Absolute figures
All types of sanctionsProsecution conditionally droppedOn the spot fineTicket fineFineCommunity sentence¬ Community sentence only¬ Community sentence and otherConditional imprisonment¬ Conditional imprisonment only¬ Conditional imprisonment and fineUnconditional imprisonment¬ Unconditional imprisonment only¬ Unconditional and conditional imprisonment¬ Unconditional imprisonment and otherSpecial sanction or other type of sanction¬ Preventive detention¬ Compulsory mental health care sentence¬ Compulsory care sentence¬ Other type of sanction
Total302 6465 238224 88452 8681 5452 1551 9951605 3341 5693 76510 5555 8852 1202 550671427125
Crimes32 6051 889017 2594401 8051 6871183 0951 4361 6598 0585 1592 018881591427117
Misdemeanours270 0413 349224 88435 6091 105350308422 2391332 1062 4977261021 66980008
All group of offences302 6465 238224 88452 8681 5452 1551 9951605 3341 5693 76510 5555 8852 1202 550671427125
Economic offences1 86750096619140135517388855193221821500000
Other offences for profit29 4891 46617 1906 95895652617357794503292 3431 50463020960303
Offences of violence5 00833101 26169456444124913411502 3641 6246041363662316
Sexual offences8052403118181806541243672441194128103
Offences of narcotics16 5261 121011 152231537477601 4824431 0391 9991 08744846440004
Damage to property69562048134191634020205834141010001
Environment offences80345072331000202220000000
Work environment offences9870901000000000000000
Traffic offences234 2731 006207 69420 483593267229382 041661 9752 188484471 65710001
Other offences13 0821 126010 44346466597261120141715584765570007