Slight decline in manufacturing prices
Prices and price indices;National accounts and business cycles;Energy and manufacturing
ppi, Producer price index, price trends, inflation, domestic market, export market, economic indicator, intermediate goods, energy goods, consumables, capital goods, metal-working industry, food industry, oil refining, machine industry, mining, metal prices (for example gold, aluminium, copper)Producer and wholesale price indices, Energy , Oil and gas , Business cycles , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , National accounts and business cycles, Prices and price indices, Energy and manufacturing

Producer price index15 February 2002



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Slight decline in manufacturing prices

Prices within manufacturing decreased by 0.4 per cent from January to February. The development was mainly attributable to lower prices of pulp, paper and paper products as well as refined petroleum products and chemicals.

A 1.9 per cent decrease in prices of chemicals and chemical products was the largest contributor to the decline in manufacturing. The largest increase in prices occurred within fabricated metal products and machinery and equipment.

According to end use energy goods showed the largest price increase, with an increase of 3.7 per cent. Prices of intermediate goods and consumer goods went down 0.6 per cent and 0.3 per cent, while capital goods went up 0.6 per cent.

12-month rate, February 2001 - February 2002

A fall in the price of refined petroleum products by 26.7 per cent was the main explanatory variable to the 4.6 per cent decline in manufacturing prices. Lower prices of basic metals were another important factor to the total decline.

According to end use prices of energy goods have declined 16.2 per cent, while intermediate goods went down 6.4 per cent.

Development in the 12-month rate

The 12-month rate for manufacturing went from -3.4 per cent in January to -4.6 per cent in February, while the corresponding figures for refined petroleum products was -22.6 per cent and -26.7 per cent. The overall trend in manufacturing is also attributable to lower prices of food and pulp, paper and paper products.

Producer price index. 2000=100
  February 2002 Changes, per cent
  January-February 2002 February 2001-February 2002
Total index 87.10 1.7 -11.5
Oil and gas extraction 77.90 4.2 -16.5
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 97.19 -0.4 -4.5
Electricity, gas and steam supply 177.37 6.4 13.0