Substantial local government deficit
Public sector
komminnut, Local government, revenue and expenditure by type, municipal accounts, municipal economy, municipal finances, net financial investmentsLocal government finances , Public sector

Local government, revenue and expenditure by type2008



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Substantial local government deficit

Preliminary figures for local government show a deficit of NOK 20.7 billion in 2008, an increase of NOK 8.6 billion compared to 2007. The enlarged deficit is mainly due to sizable growth in final consumption expenditure and fixed capital formation.

Compensation of employees, which represents approximately 60 per cent of total expenditure, is estimated to NOK 172 billion in 2008. This is almost 16 billion more than the previous year. Local government gross fixed capital formation has been soaring recent in years, and amounted to NOK 39 billion in 2008.

Total revenue is estimated to NOK 271 billion in 2008, up 6.6 1 per cent from 2007. Transfers from the central government showed the largest increase, while property income, i.e. interest and dividends, was reduced.

1  The figure is corrected 19 February 2009 at 14:30 p.m.
Local government. Revenue and expenditure by type. Preliminary figures 2006. NOK million (Corrected 19 February 2009 at 14:30 p.m.)
  2006 2007* 2008*     Change i per cent
    Change i per cent
A. Current revenue      239 945      254 683      271 600 6.1 6.6
1. Property income, interest 14 438 16 652 15 300 15.3 -8.1
2. Tax revenue  120 271  122 551  129 700 1.9 5.8
3. Other current transfers  104 584  114 634  125 400 9.6 9.4
Transfers between government sectors  101 077  110 317  121 200 9.1 9.9
Other transfers 3 507 4 317 4 200 23.1 -2.7
4. Operating surplus1  652  846 1 200 29.8 41.8
C. Total revenue (=A)  239 945  254 683  271 600 6.1 6.6
D. Current expenditure  229 334  252 899  276 800 10.3 9.5
1. Property expenditure, interest 7 505 11 224 12 100 49.6 7.8
2. Transfers to the private sector 23 564 24 958 25 900 5.9 3.8
3. Other current transfers 1 830 2 429 2 000 32.7 -17.7
Transfers between government sectors 1 830 2 429 2 000 32.7 -17.7
4. Final consumption expenditure  196 435  214 288  236 800 9.1 10.5
Wages and salaries  144 716  156 061  171 900 7.8 10.1
Intermediate consumption 54 963 59 967 64 500 9.1 7.6
Consumption of fixed capital 18 919 20 909 23 200 10.5 11.0
Social benefits in kind 12 292 14 295 16 400 16.3 14.7
Correction for operating surplus1  652  846 1 200 29.8 41.8
Administrative fees and charges (-) -35 107 -37 790 -40 400 7.6 6.9
E. Saving (A-D) 10 611 1 784 -5 200 . .
F. Capital expenditure 9 935 13 910 15 500 40.0 11.4
1. Net fixed capital formation 10 911 14 620 15 900 34.0 8.8
Gross fixed capital formation 29 830 35 529 39 100 19.1 10.1
Consumption of fixed capital (-) -18 919 -20 909 -23 200 10.5 11.0
2. Net purchase of land -1 645 -1 488 -1 100 -9.5 -26.1
3. Capital transfers  669  778  700 16.3 -10.0
G. Total expenditure (D+F)  239 269  266 809  292 300 11.5 9.6
H. Net lending/borrowing (C-G)  676 -12 126 -20 700 . .
2. Surplus before financial transactions  676 -12 126 -20 700 . .
1  Operating surplus in municipal water supply, sewage disposal and refuse collection activities.

Data sources and uncertainty

The statistics are based on preliminary accounts for municipalities and county municipalities. Considerable uncertainty is connected with some of the figures, for instance capital expenditure, property income and property expenditure. According to experiences from previous years, the figures may be revised when final figures are available. The 2008 figures must therefore be used with caution.