5 billion deficit
Public sector
komminnut, Local government, revenue and expenditure by type, municipal accounts, municipal economy, municipal finances, net financial investmentsLocal government finances , Public sector

Local government, revenue and expenditure by type2001



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5 billion deficit

Preliminary figures show that local government had a deficit before financial transactions of about 5.2 billion in 2001, approximately the same level as the previous year.

Both revenues and expenditures increased in 2001. Revenues increased by 9.1 per cent, while current expenditure increased by 9.4 per cent. This left local government savings almost unchanged. The increase in total local government revenues is mainly attributed to higher Tax revenues. Tax revenues increased by NOK 14.1 billion from 2000 to 2001. This is a growth of 15.1 per cent, which is a much stronger growth than recent years. Also central government transfers improved from 2000 to 2001, and showed a growth of 4.5 per cent.

Gross fixed capital formation increased by approximately NOK 1 billion in relation to 2000 in current prices. Gross fixed capital formation in 2001 was 11.4 per cent of total revenues, and this is a small decrease compared with recent years.

Net borrowing

The local government deficit or net borrowing - a major indicator in assessing the health of local government finances - was approximately NOK 5.2 billion in 2001.

Local government. Revenue and expenditure by type. 1999-2001.
Million kroner. Preliminary figures
       1999*      2000*      2001* Change in
per cent
Change in
per cent
A. Current revenue 188 748 202 661 221 074 7,4 9,1
1. Property income, interest 6 124 8 058 8 100 31,6 0,5
2. Tax revenue 89 968 93 634 107 735 4,1 15,1
3. Other current transfers 88 818 96 628 101 000 8,8 4,5
Transfers between government sectors 86 141 93 878 98 100 9,0 4,5
Other transfers 2 677 2 750 2 900 2,7 5,5
4. Operating surplus1 3 838 4 341 4 239 13,1 -2,3
C. Total revenue (=A) 188 748 202 661 221 074 7,4 9,1
D. Current expenditure 183 140 194 810 213 135 6,4 9,4
1. Property expenditure, interest 6 053 6 559 7 000 8,4 6,7
2. Transfers to the private sector 20 620 21 534 22 450 4,4 4,3
3. Other current transfers 1 863 2 048 1 674 9,9 -18,3
Transfers between government sectors 1 607 1 547 1 474 -3,7 -4,7
Transfers to municipal enterprises 256 501 200 95,7 -60,1
4. Final consumption expenditure 154 604 164 669 182 011 6,5 10,5
Wages and salaries 125 060 132 052 147 807 5,6 11,9
Intermediate consumption 43 345 46 059 48 248 6,3 4,8
Consumption of fixed capital 9 660 10 611 11 640 9,8 9,7
Social benefits in kind 3 624 3 864 4 077 6,6 5,5
Correction for operating surplus1 3 838 4 341 4 239 13,1 -2,3
Administrative fees and charges (-) -30 923 -32 258 -34 000 4,3 5,4
E. Saving (A-D) 5 608 7 851 7 939 40,0 1,1
F. Capital expenditure 15 373 13 358 13 110 -13,1 -1,9
1. Net fixed capital formation 15 694 13 618 13 560 -13,2 -0,4
Gross fixed capital formation 25 354 24 229 25 200 -4,4 4,0
Consumption of fixed capital (-) -9 660 -10 611 -11 640 9,8 9,7
2. Net purchase of land -279 -461 -400 65,2 -13,2
3. Capital transfers -42 201 -50 -578,6 -124,9
G. Total expenditure (D+F) 198 513 208 168 226 245 4,9 8,7
H. Net lending/borrowing (C-G) -9 765 -5 507 -5 171 -43,6 -6,1
2. Surplus before financial transactions -9 765 -5 507 -5 171 -43,6 -6,1
1  Operating surplus in municipal water supply, sewage disposal and refuse collection activities.