Key figures ready for municipal activities


The key figures in KOSTRA (Municipality-State-Reporting) provide information on most of the municipal and county municipal activities, including economy, schools, health, culture, the environment, social services, public housing, technical services and transport and communication.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Gross operating expenditure by municipal service areas. 2016

Increase in data entry

All of the local and county authorities have reported data. There has been an increase in the entry percentage for extracts from municipal accounts, as well as in the entry of forms for the service areas. 

Nearly 97 per cent of the local authorities and all the county authorities have reported extracts from their accounts. Sixteen of the local authorities have not managed to report valid operational and capital accounts. Reporting for the service areas varies from 88 to 100 per cent. The county authorities only lack a couple of forms. In addition to figures from Statistics Norway, data have been collected from several sources outside Statistics Norway, for instance from directorates that also collect data from the local authorities. 

NAV’s Aa-register was the main data source for FTEs in KOSTRA until 2014. The transition from NAV’s Aa-register to a new register meant we could not publish complete data on FTEs for 2015. These data will now be published along with the figures for 2016. 

Several services have fact sheets with key figures both for the local authority and the local authority as a corporation.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Gross operating expenditure divided by expense areas. 2016
