Greenhouse gas emissions in Oslo up 9 per cent
Nature and the environment;Svalbard
klimagassr, Emissions to air, by municipality, air pollution, greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O), acidifying gases (for example NOX, SO2, NH3), particulate matter, emissions by source (for example oil and gas production, manufacturing, road traffic)Pollution and climate, Nature and the environment, Nature and the environment, Svalbard

Emissions to air, by municipality1991-2003



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Greenhouse gas emissions in Oslo up 9 per cent

From 2002 to 2003, the emissions of the three most important greenhouse gases in Norwegian municipalities increased by 4 per cent. In Oslo, the emissions increased by 9 per cent, while the corresponding figures were 6 per cent in both Bergen and Stavanger.

In Trondheim, the emissions were unchanged in 2003 compared with the year before. The trend in other municipalities varies, but for most municipalities there have been an increase in the emissions. Figures for all Norwegian municipalities are calculated by Statistics Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority.

Emissions to air by source1 . Greenhouse gases2 . Oslo. 1991-2003*. 1 000 tonnes CO2-equivalents

The emission inventory shows that road traffic, manufacturing industries, waste disposals and agriculture are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in most municipalities. What emission sources that contribute the most varies from municipality to municipality. Large towns often have less emission-intensive manufacturing industries and agriculture. Therefore, road traffic and heating of buildings often are important emission sources in the cities. In smaller municipalities with large emission-intensive plants or in typical agricultural municipalities, these activities will be dominating.

Greenhouse gas emissions increase

Emissions of the three most important greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) rose by 12 per cent in Norwegian municipalities in the period 1991-2003. In Oslo, the emissions rose by 25 per cent in the same period. From 2002 to 2003, the CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in Oslo rose by 9 per cent, while the total for the three gases in all municipalities increased by 4 per cent. The increase in Oslo in 2003 was caused by increased use of oil products for heating and larger emissions from road traffic due to more use of cars.


In StatBank Norway you can find detailed data for greenhouse gases, acidifying gases and other substances for all municipalities under subject 01 Natural resources and the environment.
