Nature and the environment

Holiday house areas1 January 2020


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Holiday house areas
Topic: Nature and the environment

Responsible division

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Holiday house area: A cluster of at least 5 holiday houses, situated at a distance not exeeding 75 metres from each other for densely built-up areas and 500 metres for contiguous areas.

Densely built-up holiday house areas: Highly intensive used areas. These areas are often characterized by a well integrated infrastructure for the residents.

Contiguous holiday house areas: Areas with a distance of no more than 500 metres between each house. Densely built-up areas are included in the contiguous holiday house areas.

Holiday houses:

  • 161 Holiday house (chalet, summerhouse, etc.)
  • 162 Detatched house used as holiday house
  • 163 Farmhouse used as holiday house

Holiday house areas according to size: classified by number of holyday houses

- In holiday house areas:

  • Small size areas: 5 to 24 holiday houses 
  • Medium size areas: 25 to 49 holiday houses
  • Large size areas: 50 or more holiday houses

- Outside holiday house areas:

  • Scattered holiday houses: all other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of less than 5 holiday houses 

New holiday houses:

The number of new holiday houses applies for the period 1 january to 1 january in the following year. Number of new holiday houses is based on the start date of building work.

Land use: describes built-up areas by socio-economic purpose, and covers for example areas used for dwellings, business, recreation or roads.

Standard classifications

Classification of land use and land cover

Classification of type of building / GAB

Administrative information

Regional level

Municipalities, counties, country

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


The maps are stored as spatial data sets and can be used for other analyses as required in the geodatabase of Statistics of Norway


Background and purpose

The objective of the statistics is to monitor the status and changes of holiday house areas

Users and applications

The statistics is mainly used by civil administration (ministries, directorates, county- and municipality administrations) as well as for research purposes

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics are related to land use and land cover statistics.

The number of holiday houses is not directly comparable with the Building Stock and Building statistics. This is mainly due to differences in input data.

The statistics on holiday house areas:

  • uses a geographic dataset which joins data from the Cadastre and the public map database (FKB)
  • only includes buildings that have coordinates
  • Extensions to buildings are not included

The Building Stock and Building statistics use a direct extract from the Cadastre.

The number of New holiday houses is also not directly comparable with numbers in the Building statistics, due to a differance in the selection process of the input data. The statistics on holiday house areas uses the actual start date of building activities, while the Building statistics uses the registert start date of building activities.

Legal authority

Register information. Act concerning official statistics and the Central Bureau of Statistics § 3.2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics include all of Norway’s municipalities exlucive Svalbard.

Data sources and sampling

The map databases are:

1. Land use and land cover class "Recreational facilities"

2. Classification of type of building by Norwegian Mapping Authority

  • 161 Holiday house
  • 162 Detached house used as holiday house
  • 163 Farmhouse used as holiday house

3. New holiday houses: The selection for New holiday houses is based on the actual start date of building activities taken from the Cadastre. The number of new holiday houses applies for the period 1 january to 1 january in the following year.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Data revised by owners of the registers, e.g. Statistics Norway and Norwegian Mapping Authorities.

Digital maps are processed in a GIS-system (Geographical Information system), and the statistics area are calculated by automatic routines for delimiting and classifying areas by size and type of building.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The statistics are based on digital maps and automatic processingmethods, and will therefore bee comparable over time and Space.


New in 2018:

The method/source data for for counting buildings has been adjusted. In former versions of the statistics SSB-bygg was used to count the number of buildings. Information on buildings from the Cadastre was joined to building outline polygons from the public map database (FKB). In incidents where several building points from the Cadastre intersected only one building outline polygon, it was counted as one building in SSB-bygg (could happen for detatched housing). The method is changed so that number of buidlings is solely based on building points from the Cadastre. Every registered building in the Cadastre is counted as a building, giving better conformity to other building statistics. 

This change in method has resulted in an increase in total number of holiday houses. For 2018 this increase was 0,25 percent, or 1100 buildings. The same applies to new-built holiday houses, an increase of 0,25 percent, or 12 buildings.

New in 2017:

A new variable "New holiday houses" has been added. The numbers are based on the actual start date of building activity taken from the Cadastre.

New in 2016:

The method has been adjusted, the statistics for all year are updated. All years since 2013 are therefore comparable.

The statistics by 2011 and 2013 is however not completely comparable after the register of holiday houses/building have been change from point to polygon. This leads to a general reduction in the total number of holiday house areas, with larger holiday house areas and less scattered holiday houses.



Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The quality of the statistics is highly dependent on the quality of the contents of the Land use and land cover and the Register of building in Matrikkelen.


Not relevant