More waste to landfills
Nature and the environment
avfhand, Waste treatment in waste treatment plants, waste, waste disposal plant, waste treatment, landfill, recovery, incineration, composting, waste export, household waste, rubbish, food waste, trade waste, cover materialWaste , Nature and the environment

Waste treatment in waste treatment plants2006



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More waste to landfills

Deposition of waste in landfills increased by more than 450 000 tonnes from 2005 to 2006, mostly due to a rise in deposition of masses. At the same time, the number of landfills is on the decline, while composting is becoming more common.

In 2006, around six million tonnes of waste entered Norwegian waste treatment plants. This is 20 per cent more than in 2005. Around 3 million tonnes, or 50 per cent, was treated at the receiving plants. The rest was sent to other treatment plants.

The waste accounts show that 9.6 million tonnes of waste was generated in Norway in 2006. The difference between waste generated and waste treated at treatment plants is a result of extensive on-site treatment and direct export of waste.

Waste treatment.1 , 21992-2006. 1 000 tonnes
Year Biological
Landfill Incineration Final disposal
(landfill and
without energy
Total Energy utilization3 Without energy utilization
2006  347 1 889       847  631  215 2 103
2005  324 1 439  815  593  222 1 661
2004  351 1 438  846  626  220 1 625
2003  277 1 399  830  614  216 1 615
2001  284 1 396  669  489  181 1 577
1998 99 1 928  470  343  127 2 055
1995 52 1 895  493  360  133 2 028
1992 21 1 687  342  250 92 1 779
1  Waste incinerated or landfilled by establishments in manufacturing is excluded.
2  Waste for material recovery excluded.
3  Calculated from an average energy recovery rate of 73 per cent at Norwegian waste incineration
Source:  Statistics Norway.

Landfill and landscaping landfills. 2006. 1000 tonnes

Landfills need landscaping

For the past years, the amount of waste deposited has been around 1.4 million tonnes per year. In 2006, however, deposited amounts have soared to 1.9 million tonnes. This can be explained by a rise in mopping-up operations on land (contaminated soil or masses). In the period 2003-2006, mopping-up operations have resulted in the deposition of 200 000-400 000 tonnes. Household waste accounted for approximately 19 per cent of deposited waste in 2006.

Landscaping landfills required 590 000 tonnes of various masses in 2006, and increase of 96 per cent since 2003. The masses used for landscaping (or covering) the landfills amounts to 31 per cent of all masses deposited.

Incineration varies

In total, 847 000 tonnes of waste was incinerated in Norwegian waste treatment plants. This is approximately the same amount as in 2004 and 4 per cent more than in 2005. Waste incinerated at own facilities or delivered directly to incineration outside the waste system are excluded from these calculations.

Waste treatment/disposal at treatment plants. 2006

More compost

In 2006, around 347 000 tonnes of organic waste was sent to composting in waste treatment plants. This is 25 per cent more than in 2003.

Decline in export from treatment plants

The waste treatment plants exported 305 000 tonnes of waste, which is 10 per cent less than in 2005. The waste was exported for incineration (207 000 tonnes or 67 per cent) and materials recovery (33 per cent). Waste exported outside the waste system is excluded from these calculations. This kind of export seems to be on the increase.

Waste in transfer

Considerable amounts of waste enter more than one treatment plant. Some of the waste sorted at treatment plants is deposited in landfills or sent to incineration. Residues from incineration and sifting are also deposited. Out of 6 million tonnes of waste that entered treatment plants in 2006, around 1.1 million tonnes was sent to materials recovery, an increase of 15 per cent from 2005.

Nine closed since 2003

Stricter environmental requirements have led to a reduction in the number of landfills in the past few years. In 2006, the number of landfills was 89, a decrease of nine since 2003. There were 20 incineration plants and 141 waste sorting plants in operation. 82 waste treatment plants had recycling stations for public access.

Please read our articles on:

Waste accounts for Norway

Household waste

Building and construction waste

Hazardous waste
