National accounts and business cycles: Discussion Papers
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Age at immigration and crime
Discussion Papers no. 728
Previous studies have identified an “immigrant paradox” in crime in which crime rates are highest among immigrants who are young when they arrive in the host country, even though social capital and integration in the labour market and social netwo...
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Divorce in norwegian same-sex marriages 1993-2011
Discussion Papers no. 723
Using longitudinal register data, we first present updated descriptive statistics on the total population of same-sex registered partnerships and marriages formed 1993-2010.
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Inequality in current and lifetime income
Discussion Papers no. 726
Standard theory of intertemporal choice predicts that people smooth out life-cycle changes in income by borrowing and saving, such that their standard of living in any given year depends more on lifetime income than on that year’s income.
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The capital constraining effects of the norwegian wealth tax
Discussion Papers no. 724
This paper investigates if the Norwegian wealth tax imposes capital constraints on small privately held businesses. A panel of 31,428 Norwegian firms from 2005 to 2009 is used to estimate two models of capital constraints. The models are estimated...
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The family – a barrier or motivation for female entrepreneurship?
Discussion Papers no. 727
The underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship is consistent over cultures and countries, and is even higher in Norway than in most other industrialised societies. In spite of a growing literature, the reasons for this pattern are still not ...
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Classroom grade composition and pupil achievement
Discussion Papers no. 722
This paper exploits discontinuous grade mixing rules in Norwegian junior high schools to estimate how classroom grade composition affects pupil achievement. Pupils in mixed grade classrooms are found to outperform pupils in single grade classrooms.
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Preferences for lifetime earnings, earnings risk and nonpecuniary attributes in choice of higher education
Discussion Papers no. 725
Expected earnings are considered to influence individuals' choice of education. However, the presence of nonpecuniary attributes and the different choice set available to prospective students make identification of this relationship difficult.
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Does a renewable fuel standard for biofuels reduce climate costs?
Discussion Papers no. 720
Recent contributions have questioned whether biofuels policies actually lead to emissions reductions, and thus lower climate costs. In this paper we make two contributions to the literature.
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Emissions trading with offset markets and free quota allocations
Discussion Papers no. 719
We study interactions between a “policy bloc’s” emissions quota market and an offset market where emissions offsets can be purchased from a non-policy “fringe” of countries (such as for the CDM under the Kyoto Protocol). Policy-bloc firms are assu...
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Political motives in climate and energy policy
Discussion Papers no. 721
Standard economic theory provides clear guidance on the design of cost-efficient policy in the presence of imperfect markets and externalities. However, observed policies reveal extensive discrepancies between principles and practise.
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Financial incentives and study duration in higher education
Discussion Papers no. 714
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Labour supply effects of early retirement provision
Discussion Papers no. 717
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Socioeconomic variation in the relationship between obesity and life expectancy
Discussion Papers no. 712
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A structural approach for analyzing fiscal equalization
Discussion Papers no. 715
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A Kantian approach to sustainable development indicators for climate change
Discussion Papers no. 718