National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJanuary 2021


Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Quarter and year. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2018-prices. NOK million1
201920204th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 20203rd quarter 20204th quarter 2020
1Figures from 2019 onwards are preliminary
2Gross domestic product is measured at market prices, while value added by industry is measured at basic prices.
3Includes oil and gas extraction, transport via pipelines and ocean transport.
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs1 548 0141 429 904388 780372 035332 681363 684363 507
¬ Household final consumption expenditure1 465 2621 356 914367 855351 867316 115345 798345 453
¬¬ Goods668 007704 663167 577163 839173 752183 937185 258
¬¬ Services724 766639 036183 719173 842142 826160 335161 321
¬¬ Direct purchases abroad by resident households122 75227 25029 67224 8756733 7572 081
¬¬ Direct purchases by non-residents-50 264-14 036-13 113-10 690-1 136-2 230-3 208
¬ Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs82 75372 99120 92620 16716 56517 88618 054
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen841 508856 128212 383212 921208 356214 474220 461
¬ Final consumption expenditure of central government411 130422 483103 849105 177102 877105 952108 480
¬¬¬ Central government, civilian361 203370 82491 09592 46490 04292 96795 355
¬¬¬ Central government, defence49 92751 65912 75412 71312 83412 98513 125
¬ Final consumption expenditure of local government430 378433 645108 534107 743105 479108 522111 981
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)891 426856 889226 617217 705213 508211 705213 592
¬ Extraction and transport via pipelines (GFCF)172 306163 92945 91043 39841 02139 71739 771
¬ Ocean transport (GFCF)2 6424 7509201 9191781 3621 291
¬ Mainland Norway (GFCF)716 478688 210179 787172 388172 309170 625172 531
¬¬ Industries (GFCF)318 274298 24380 78877 22872 71873 14175 003
¬¬¬ Services activities incidential to extraction (GFCF)3 7662 519961772707611429
¬¬¬ Other services (GFCF)189 001178 94947 22046 31642 46643 70946 403
¬¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GFCF)50 29344 84313 14511 82310 94811 13610 908
¬¬¬ Production of other goods (GFCF)75 21471 93319 46218 31718 59717 68517 263
¬¬ Dwelling service (households) (GFCF)190 300182 65946 30545 26645 44844 89047 004
¬¬ General government (GFCF)207 904207 30952 69449 89454 14452 59450 524
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables3781519485113817
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies145 788122 26928 72036 35919 41033 19925 924
Gross capital formation1 037 592979 309255 430254 149232 929244 941239 533
Final domestic use of goods and services3 427 1143 265 342856 593839 104773 966823 099823 502
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks)3 106 0012 974 243780 950757 343713 346748 783756 499
Final demand from general government1 049 4121 063 437265 076262 814262 500267 067270 985
Total exports1 356 5821 344 779352 347346 446321 017335 150341 202
¬ Traditional goods (export)429 387419 589108 415105 56197 322105 471109 578
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (export)544 745596 689148 340144 650147 526150 539151 309
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (export)12 1957 5482 0083 2641 6471 851786
¬ Services (export)370 256320 95493 58492 97174 52177 28879 528
Total use of goods and services4 783 6974 610 1211 208 9401 185 5501 094 9831 158 2491 164 704
Total imports1 199 5221 053 275298 464288 031238 746263 836264 602
¬ Tradisjonelle varer (import)718 462700 148176 895172 601160 248180 526183 832
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (import)25 39622 1537 2737 2755 1424 8205 168
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (import)33 01532 3306 5748 2178 4058 5787 129
¬ Services (import)422 650298 645107 72299 93864 95169 91168 473
Gross domestic product, market values23 584 1753 556 846910 476897 520856 237894 413900 102
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values23 003 2192 929 344757 450742 611698 550733 518747 407
Petroleum activities and ocean transport3580 956627 502153 026154 908157 686160 895152 695
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, basic values2 605 5062 539 599657 630645 719605 889634 167647 402
¬ Mainland Norway excluding general government (GDP)1 949 7581 888 751492 368482 726449 439469 987480 213
¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GDP)224 468218 71157 13856 40852 89254 20256 146
¬¬ Production of other goods (GDP)358 099360 06089 77589 19787 66990 13191 619
¬¬ Service activities (GDP)1 367 1921 309 980345 454337 121308 879325 654332 448
¬ General government (GDP)655 748650 848165 262162 994156 450164 180167 189
Taxes and subsidies products397 713389 74599 82096 89292 66199 351100 005