National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJanuary 2021


Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Quarter and year. At constant 2018-prices. NOK million1
201920204th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 20203rd quarter 20204th quarter 2020
1Figures from 2019 onwards are preliminary
2Gross domestic product is measured at market prices, while value added by industry is measured at basic prices
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs1 548 0141 429 904404 452359 403333 915357 735378 851
¬ Household final consumption expenditure1 465 2621 356 914382 656338 299317 285341 306360 023
¬¬ Goods668 007704 663178 373153 138175 274179 915196 335
¬¬ Services724 766639 036184 552172 591142 455160 438163 552
¬¬ Direct purchases abroad by resident households122 75227 25027 04719 9507414 6361 924
¬¬ Direct purchases by non-residents-50 264-14 036-7 316-7 380-1 185-3 682-1 789
¬ Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs82 75372 99121 79621 10416 63016 42918 828
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen841 508856 128211 636212 609209 895213 968219 656
¬ Final consumption expenditure of central government411 130422 483103 657105 107103 130105 967108 278
¬¬¬ Central government, civilian361 203370 82490 87092 44290 28092 98395 119
¬¬¬ Central government, defence49 92751 65912 78612 66512 85012 98413 159
¬ Final consumption expenditure of local government430 378433 645107 979107 502106 765108 001111 378
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)891 426856 889235 410211 730210 183211 951223 025
¬ Extraction and transport via pipelines (GFCF)172 306163 92947 42541 51440 56840 44041 407
¬ Ocean transport (GFCF)2 6424 7509161 9031941 3671 286
¬ Mainland Norway (GFCF)716 478688 210187 068168 314169 421170 144180 331
¬¬Næringer (bruttoinvestering)318 274298 24385 71973 09672 53872 49680 112
¬¬¬ Services activities incidential to extraction (GFCF)3 7662 5191 060753728513524
¬¬¬ Other services (GFCF)189 001178 94948 76545 77342 48042 65748 038
¬¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GFCF)50 29344 84315 37010 83010 57910 27313 161
¬¬¬ Production of other goods (GFCF)75 21471 93320 52415 73918 75119 05318 389
¬¬ Dwelling service (households) (GFCF)190 300182 65946 68044 99545 38444 84947 431
¬¬ General government (GFCF)207 904207 30954 66950 22351 49952 79952 788
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables37815110684142429
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies145 788122 26932 92660 2846 45821 07434 454
Gross capital formation1 037 592979 309268 442272 098216 655233 050257 508
Final domestic use of goods and services3 427 1143 265 342884 530844 110760 464804 753856 015
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks)3 106 0012 974 243803 156740 326713 231741 848778 839
Final demand from general government1 049 4121 063 437266 305262 832261 394266 767272 444
Total exports1 356 5821 344 779356 192349 206317 489327 599350 484
¬ Traditional goods (export)429 387419 589111 303105 08397 217103 034114 255
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (export)544 745596 689152 122155 872142 269143 963154 584
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (export)12 1957 5482 0083 2641 6471 851786
¬ Services (export)370 256320 95490 75984 98776 35678 75180 859
Total use of goods and services4 783 6974 610 1211 240 7211 193 3161 077 9541 132 3531 206 499
Total imports1 199 5221 053 275300 424279 312241 047260 775272 142
¬ Tradisjonelle varer (import)718 462700 148179 501173 116162 192175 877188 963
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (import)25 39622 1537 1516 8004 9545 3915 007
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (import)33 01532 3306 5748 2178 4058 5787 129
¬ Services (import)422 650298 645107 19891 17865 49570 93071 043
Gross domestic product, market values23 584 1753 556 846940 298914 005836 907871 577934 357
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values23 003 2192 929 344780 690749 730685 394719 386774 834
Petroleum activities and ocean transport580 956627 502159 608164 274151 513152 191159 523
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, basic values2 605 5062 539 599677 713654 733592 483620 801671 581
¬ Mainland Norway excluding general government (GDP)1 949 7581 888 751512 113492 492435 500456 715504 043
¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GDP)224 468218 71158 20757 35552 33451 56357 459
¬¬ Production of other goods (GDP)358 099360 06097 12393 37977 44889 26999 965
¬¬ Service activities (GDP)1 367 1921 309 980356 782341 759305 719315 884346 618
¬ General government (GDP)655 748650 848165 600162 241156 983164 086167 538
Taxes and subsidies products397 713389 745102 97794 99792 91198 585103 253