National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJuly 2020


Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Quarter and year. Seasonally adjusted figures. At current prices. NOK million1
201820192nd quarter 20193rd quarter 20194th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 2020
1Figures from 2018 onwards are prelimanry
2Includes oil and gas extraction, transport via pipelines and ocean transport.
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs1 533 5701 591 322398 331400 037403 009386 158347 823
¬ Household final consumption expenditure1 449 0711 501 128375 749377 220379 898363 842328 993
¬¬ Goods658 422668 067168 923167 586167 799163 613172 789
¬¬ Services714 718754 217187 436189 337193 318185 545156 090
¬¬ Direct purchases abroad by resident households123 446129 58331 99532 96632 17825 5531 267
¬¬ Direct purchases by non-residents-47 515-50 740-12 605-12 669-13 397-10 868-1 153
¬ Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs84 49890 19422 58322 81623 11122 31518 830
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen826 777866 716214 709218 585220 917224 113226 646
¬ Final consumption expenditure of central government405 017423 918105 128106 799107 782110 288113 473
¬¬¬ Central government, civilian356 692372 85592 49793 87194 75997 25599 957
¬¬¬ Central government, defence48 32451 06312 63112 92813 02313 03313 516
¬ Final consumption expenditure of local government421 761442 798109 581111 786113 135113 825113 174
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)851 475926 546230 031237 022238 301227 579224 817
¬ Extraction and transport via pipelines (GFCF)153 421178 39444 59445 68348 21346 39845 534
¬ Ocean transport (GFCF)8483 4417238881 3872 16591
¬ Mainland Norway (GFCF)697 207744 711184 715190 450188 701179 017179 192
¬¬ Industries (GFCF)310 982335 76381 73485 47686 54881 89477 860
¬¬¬ Services activities incidential to extraction (GFCF)6 1049 1132 3872 2502 4581 7271 631
¬¬¬ Other services (GFCF)187 638195 30148 03349 41249 10948 63045 606
¬¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GFCF)45 25157 87613 70015 23615 53813 52212 454
¬¬¬ Production of other goods (GFCF)71 99073 47317 61418 57819 44418 01618 169
¬¬ Dwelling service (households) (GFCF)193 523196 24149 62749 45747 71845 73246 518
¬¬ General government (GFCF)192 701212 70853 35455 51854 43551 39054 814
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables42846911411812110616
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies113 499102 07028 48723 71520 24030 0558 647
Gross capital formation965 4021 029 086258 633260 855258 662257 740233 480
Final domestic use of goods and services3 325 7493 487 124871 673879 476882 588868 011807 950
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks)3 057 5543 202 749797 756809 071812 627789 287753 661
Final demand from general government1 019 4781 079 424268 063274 102275 352275 503281 461
Total exports1 357 3211 311 487326 539316 031336 827320 136263 110
¬ Traditional goods (export)410 981432 348107 877106 830110 565108 20694 473
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (export)569 384463 694114 735102 629120 552103 34580 857
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (export)11 09411 6444 4612 7171 6033 6641 753
¬ Services (export)365 862403 80299 466103 855104 107104 92286 028
Total use of goods and services4 683 0704 798 6111 198 2121 195 5071 219 4151 188 1471 071 059
Total imports1 152 2091 249 252313 072315 651317 745304 730264 303
¬ Tradisjonelle varer (import)681 757738 270187 140184 744183 917182 159174 990
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (import)24 57926 4835 2727 5648 1336 7743 520
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (import)37 56938 18611 12810 1209 4019 70911 204
¬ Services (import)408 304446 313109 532113 223116 295106 08874 590
Gross domestic product, market values3 530 8603 549 360885 140879 856901 670883 417806 756
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values2 906 8713 038 591758 756767 342772 130765 073723 113
Petroleum activities and ocean transport2623 989510 769126 384112 514129 540118 34583 643
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, basic values2 514 4362 639 636659 301667 048672 045668 470629 863
¬ Mainland Norway excluding general government (GDP)1 871 3201 963 950492 179496 425499 729494 903455 865
¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GDP)213 696227 68857 54859 95958 27358 74755 316
¬¬ Production of other goods (GDP)356 377362 20091 54689 94390 04487 97280 045
¬¬ Service activities (GDP)1 301 2471 374 062343 085346 523351 411348 184320 505
¬ General government (GDP)643 116675 686167 122170 624172 316173 567173 998
Taxes and subsidies products392 435398 95499 455100 294100 08596 60393 250