National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJune 2015


Imports of goods and services. At current prices. NOK million1
201320142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
1Figures for the last to years are preliminary.
Total878 224932 404226 667248 173238 827244 885246 550
Goods562 437591 019143 392154 299152 079154 862154 061
¬ Crude oil and natural gas15 78113 6593 0674 0553 1103 0032 800
¬ Ships, oil platforms, aircraft27 68231 5286 18414 8265 5937 2556 466
¬ Other goods518 974545 832134 141135 418143 376144 604144 795
¬¬ Agriculture, forestry and fishing15 31616 1534 0433 3094 4504 4664 314
¬¬ Mining and quarrying5 7256 1681 5861 4701 6911 9401 735
¬¬ Manufacturing products494 808521 917128 322130 462136 731137 547138 362
¬¬¬ Food products, beverages and tobacco39 26942 76410 37911 80511 27810 64011 156
¬¬¬ Textiles, wearing apparel, leather31 52832 9736 7709 7567 8159 8957 409
¬¬¬ Wood products11 52012 4143 3522 9443 1193 1023 440
¬¬¬ Pulp, paper and paper products8 0598 4652 0622 0492 2302 2472 033
¬¬¬ Printing and publishing3146121016118
¬¬¬ Refined petroleum products42 42032 8748 2818 0766 8927 0528 451
¬¬¬ Basic chemicals, chemical and mineral products71 81677 56019 49219 13420 73720 72821 155
¬¬¬ Basic metals63 40371 01718 28117 72017 75118 88920 273
¬¬¬ Machinery and other equipment n.e.c168 049180 79744 77544 26549 00648 22547 434
¬¬¬ Furniture and other manufacturing products25 57528 4156 5326 8628 2567 7817 021
¬¬¬ Transport equipment, non-competitive imports33 13834 5928 3867 8419 6318 9779 982
¬¬ Electricity3 1251 594190177504651384
¬ Other goods excl refined petroleum products476 554512 958125 860127 342136 484137 552136 344
Services315 787341 38583 27593 87486 74890 02392 489
¬ Gross receipts, shipping0000000
¬ Operating costs shipping, excl bunkers40 82540 7349 08611 4259 86110 6879 638
¬ Petroleum activities, various services32 20236 0569 0759 33710 5287 8269 573
¬ Pipeline transport0000000
¬ Travel108 615118 13830 20135 75325 55829 96431 170
¬ Other services134 145146 45734 91337 35940 80141 54642 108
¬¬ Transport, post and telecommunication16 53318 8535 2094 6084 9197 1517 289
¬¬ Financial and business services67 71070 90216 64018 31819 02320 18818 415
¬¬ Services n.e.c49 90256 70213 06414 43316 85914 20716 404