National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJune 2015


Final consumption expenditure of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2012-prices. NOK Million1
201320142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
1Figures for the last two years are preliminary.
2Final consumption of goods and sevices includes direct purchases in Norway by non-resident households, but not direct purchases abroad by resident households.
Final consumption expenditure of households1 144 6441 166 561291 473291 507294 078297 377299 098
Food and non-alcoholic beverages136 286137 66634 67434 34734 36134 48734 496
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc.43 53144 52711 14211 13611 19511 21711 163
Clothing and footwear56 85258 75814 63014 88114 99615 46815 571
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels233 760235 53858 74859 04059 33459 76260 457
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance69 34970 00317 69017 29717 64717 40817 507
Health31 69032 9948 2148 2748 3738 4738 548
Transport177 147177 33144 00844 12144 49745 17745 892
Communication28 11429 8057 4227 4897 5827 7717 792
Recreation and culture122 328126 67031 71031 44332 25032 32932 711
Education5 5365 5141 3651 4111 3891 3761 369
Restaurants and hotels68 06070 39417 46217 75217 87518 05218 255
Miscellaneous goods and services122 166126 47931 53931 58131 79232 18232 244
Direct purchases abroad by resident households82 55985 06521 31421 40921 54322 40322 463
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. households-32 734-34 183-8 446-8 673-8 755-8 727-9 371
Goods2554 754558 843139 877139 412140 416141 388142 882
Services2540 065556 836138 727139 359140 874142 314143 124
¬ Dwelling services193 668197 91949 31149 58649 92650 24650 536
¬ Other services346 397358 91789 41689 77390 94892 06892 588