National accounts and business cycles

National accountsJune 2015


Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2012-prices. NOK million1
201320142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
1Figures for the last two years are preliminary.
2Gross domestic product is measured at market prices, while value added by industry is measured at basic prices.
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs1 201 0601 225 090306 015306 296308 919312 122313 817
¬ Household final consumption expenditure1 144 6441 166 561291 473291 507294 078297 377299 098
¬¬ Goods554 754558 843139 877139 412140 416141 388142 882
¬¬ Services540 065556 836138 727139 359140 874142 314143 124
¬¬ Direct purchases abroad by resident households82 55985 06521 31421 40921 54322 40322 463
¬¬ Direct purchases by non-residents-32 734-34 183-8 446-8 673-8 755-8 727-9 371
¬ Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs56 41658 52914 54214 79014 84114 74414 720
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen629 119646 281161 135161 980163 196163 422164 298
¬ Final consumption expenditure of central government314 723324 68080 95381 63282 24482 52083 025
¬¬¬ Central government, civilian275 637285 57971 19571 85172 43372 74473 109
¬¬¬ Central government, defence39 08739 1009 7599 7819 8119 7779 916
¬ Final consumption expenditure of local government314 395321 60180 18280 34880 95280 90281 273
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)704 846709 082178 761179 751173 446172 422170 100
¬ Extraction and transport via pipelines (GFCF)204 477201 02551 92050 30346 76047 16245 727
¬ Ocean transport (GFCF)8 1257 6071 7322 4072 0522 2661 707
¬ Mainland Norway (GFCF)492 244500 451125 109127 040124 635122 995122 666
¬¬ Industries (GFCF)220 588221 10753 96057 18456 59253 10852 542
¬¬¬ Services activities incidential to extraction (GFCF)3 2442 610749673636714669
¬¬¬ Other services (GFCF)132 498132 69332 55834 71533 72632 22931 519
¬¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GFCF)34 59136 2008 3859 2629 8447 8237 722
¬¬¬ Production of other goods (GFCF)50 25549 60412 26812 53412 38512 34212 633
¬¬ Dwelling service (households) (GFCF)149 206146 88636 98436 75735 84736 24736 742
¬¬ General government (GFCF)122 450132 45834 16533 09932 19633 64033 382
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies140 216145 35139 42342 14134 81349 61245 778
Gross capital formation845 062854 434218 185221 892208 259222 034215 878
Final domestic use of goods and services2 675 2412 725 805685 335690 169680 374697 578693 994
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks)2 322 4232 371 822592 259595 317596 750598 539600 782
Final demand from general government751 568778 739195 301195 079195 392197 062197 681
Total exports1 168 5381 200 168292 129301 867312 235301 757301 601
¬ Traditional goods (export)312 541319 64279 77581 20581 53284 10683 962
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (export)564 225572 871136 874143 489149 308140 156139 045
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (export)8 5128 2911 5731 0742 0991 5871 229
¬ Services (export)283 260299 36473 90776 09979 29675 90777 364
Total use of goods and services3 843 7793 925 973977 464992 035992 609999 335995 595
Total imports856 565872 783215 198226 832220 897226 951223 935
¬ Tradisjonelle varer (import)508 128506 464126 429127 701127 315130 476130 317
¬ Crude oil and natural gas (import)16 43714 6763 3093 6854 2914 3013 585
¬ Ships, oil platforms and aircraft (import)25 21127 5755 34612 7074 8026 1234 616
¬ Services (import)306 790324 06880 11382 73984 48986 05185 417
Gross domestic product, market values22 987 2143 053 190762 266765 203771 713772 384771 659
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values22 347 1702 399 701600 995601 221603 557605 634606 643
Petroleum activities and ocean transport640 044653 489161 271163 983168 156166 751165 016
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, basic values2 030 9652 078 469520 357521 205522 666524 209525 105
¬ Mainland Norway excluding general government (GDP)1 541 1301 580 518396 054396 752397 648398 942399 360
¬¬ Manufacturing and mining (GDP)207 747215 07954 05954 18454 27453 61452 794
¬¬ Production of other goods (GDP)246 140257 36965 28964 76264 48364 81665 642
¬¬ Service activities (GDP)1 087 2441 108 070276 706277 805278 891280 513280 925
¬ General government (GDP)489 835497 951124 303124 453125 017125 267125 745
Taxes and subsidies products316 205321 23280 63880 01580 89181 42481 538