National accounts and business cycles: Discussion Papers
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The lost generation: Effects of youth labor market opportunities on long-term labor market outcomes
Discussion Papers no. 835
This study shows that local unemployment rates at the age of graduation from compulsory school and high-school have negative effects on males’ earnings, employment and disability pension when measured as late as age 35.
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The impacts of the EU ETS on Norwegian plants’ environmental and economic performance
Discussion Papers no. 833
This paper examines the impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) on the environmental and economic performance of Norwegian plants.
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Back to background risk?
Discussion Papers no. 834
Estimating the effect of background risk on individual financial choices faces two challenges.
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Imputing consumption from Norwegian income and wealth registry data
Discussion Papers no. 831
This paper documents a method for computing a longitudinal consumption measure for Norwegian households from administrative records of income and wealth.
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Modelling and forecasting rig rates on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Discussion Papers no. 832
Knowledge about rig markets is crucial for understanding the global oil market. In this paper we first develop a simple bargaining model for rig markets.
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The effects of innovation policies on firm level patenting
Discussion Papers no. 830
This paper examines the impacts of R&D tax credits and direct R&D subsidies on Norwegian firms' patenting, with a particular focus on environmental patenting.
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Effects of income and the cost of children on fertility
Discussion Papers no. 828
The relationship between income, cost of childrearing and fertility is of considerable political and theoretical interest. We utilize exogenous variation in family income and the direct cost of children to estimate causal effects on fertility.
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Taxation of housing
Discussion Papers no. 829
The Norwegian public policy debate regularly returns to the private housing market. Housing prices have increased by 200 percent in real terms over the last two decades, a large share of households have high debt ratios, and new home buyers face l...
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Resource Rent in Norwegian Fisheries
Discussion Papers no. 827
A nation’s natural-resources wealth can be estimated via the System of National Accounts (SNA). Because the values of all parameters entering the calculation are conditional on the existing management regime, the optimal value of the natural resou...
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Labor Market Institutions and Wage Inequality in the OECD countries
Discussion Papers no. 826
In this paper we attempt to investigate the effect on income inequality of some recent trends in the labour market, changes in regulations of temporary positions and the surge in immigration in many EU-countries.
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Life time pension benefits relative to life time contributions
Discussion Papers no. 825
Over the life course members of an insurance system normally will contribute by payments when in working age, and later receive pension benefits as e.g. disabled or old-age pensioners.
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Smart hedging against carbon leakage
Discussion Papers no. 822
Unilateral climate policy induces carbon leakage through the relocation of emission-intensive and trade-exposed industries to regions with no or more lenient emission regulation
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Have inflation targeting and EU labour immigration changed the system of wage formation in Norway?
Discussion Papers no. 824
Collective agreements have played a central role in the system of wage formation in Norway for more than fifty years. Although the degree of coordination achieved has been variable, pattern wage bargaining has been a mainstay of the system.
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Union dissolution and childlessness
Discussion Papers no. 823
This study investigates how the association between union dissolution and childlessness depends on life course context. Data on union histories and fertility are taken from the Norwegian GGS.
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Fiscal effects of the Norwegian pension reform – A micro-macro assessment
Discussion Papers no. 821
The main goal of the Norwegian pension reform of 2011 is to improve long run fiscal sustainability, not least through stronger labour supply incentives.