National accounts and business cycles: Discussion Papers
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Problematic response margins in the estimation of the elasticity of taxable income
Discussion Papers no. 851
The elasticity of taxable income (ETI) is known to represent a summary measure of tax efficiency costs, which means that further information about the behavioral components of the ETI is not required for its use in tax policy design.
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Multigenerational persistence: Evidence from 146 years of administrative data
Discussion Papers no. 850
This paper uses Norwegian census data on occupational associations among grandfathers, fathers and sons from 1865 to 2011 and finds significant grandparental influence throughout the period.
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Using common factors to identify substitution possibilities in a factor demand system with technological changes
Discussion Papers no. 849
In this paper, I investigate the importance of taking account of technological changes by allowing for different kinds of common factors, both within and between industries.
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Carbon dynamics related to tree planting on new areas in Norway
Discussion Papers no. 848
Extensive tree planting on new areas has been suggested as a climate policy measure in Norway. This paper presents some preliminary calculations related to carbon dynamics of such a measure when the tree planting takes place on areas with relative...
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On the measurement of long-run income inequality: Empirical evidence from Norway, 1875-2013
Discussion Papers no. 847
In seeking to understand inequality today, a great deal can be learned from history. However, there are few countries for which the long-run development of income inequality has been charted. Many countries have records of incomes, taxes and socia...
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Discouraged worker effects and barriers against employment for immigrant and non-immigrant women
Discussion Papers no. 845
A phenomenon observed in many labor markets is that the supply of labor appears to depend on business cycles. In other words, workers who are searching for work become “discouraged” under unfavorable business cycle conditions because they believe ...
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Electronic monitoring and recidivism
Discussion Papers no. 844
The replacement of custodial with non-custodial sanctions holds the potential to reduce recidivism as well as other costs associated with imprisonment.
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The regional dispersion of income inequality in nineteenth-century Norway
Discussion Papers no. 842
This paper documents, for the first time, municipality- and occupation-level estimates of income inequality between individuals in a European country in the nineteenth century, using a combination of several detailed data sets for Norway in the la...
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Modelling OPEC behaviour
Discussion Papers no. 843
We analyse the behaviour of OPEC as a group for the period 1992 to 2015 by formulating a model that encompasses several of the alternatives discussed in the literature.
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Children as family commuters
Discussion Papers no. 841
As union dissolution rates increase in most modern societies, a growing number of children are living in post-separation families.
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Expected service lives and depreciation profiles for capital assets
Discussion Papers no. 840
In the Norwegian national accounts, as in many other countries, it is quite common to use information on depreciation rates and profiles based on studies from the US, Canada and the Netherlands due to a lack of national studies.
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Fuel efficiency improvements – feedback mechanisms and distributional effects in the oil market
Discussion Papers no. 839
We study the interactions between fuel efficiency improvements in the transport sector and the oil market, where the efficiency improvements are policy-induced in certain regions of the world
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Fractionality and co-fractionality between Government Bond yields
Discussion Papers no. 838
In a co-fractional vector autoregressive (VAR) model two more parameters are estimated, compared to the traditional cointegrated VAR model.
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Accounting for business income in measuring top income shares
Discussion Papers no. 837
Business income is important in the upper tail of the personal income distribution, but the extent to which it is captured by measures of personal income varies substantially across tax regimes.
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Supply versus demand-side policies in the presence of carbon leakage and the green paradox
Discussion Papers no. 836
This study derives the optimal combination of consumer taxes and producer taxes when both spatial and intertemporal leakages from the free-riders are taken into account.